Monday, June 1, 2020

The Return of Lujayn and Raneem Hamad, Radical Frauds

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Look who organized the "police violence" protest in Iowa City on May 31st:  Lujayn and Raneem Hamad.

You remember them, those two radical teen frauds with the fake "hate note" hoax that was pushed into the media after the 2016 election with the help of the Iowa City Press Citizen, Cedar Rapids Gazette, Des Moines Register, and other media outlets who never questioned anything because they were in on it.

Did anybody bring up Eric Shaw's name?  (archive link)

Of course not!  He was white!

When Eric Shaw was killed by Officer Jeffrey Gillespie, the local Democrat prosecutor, J. Patrick White, refused to bring any charges against Gillespie, or even convene a grand jury.  White was re-elected in 1998, unopposed, and with 97% of the vote.  So most Iowa City / Johnson County residents were OK with police killing a man whose crime was having his door propped open on a warm evening.  Not only that, but the Iowa City Press Citizen fought hard to trash Eric Shaw's parents, who campaigned for justice.  It was a fucking disgrace.

Where have Lujayn and Raneem been all these years?  Lujayn has been going to NYU and Raneem is at Columbia University.  Those are some pricey schools for a couple of kids living in a Habitat for Humanity House with their parents and a couple of brothers.  Who is funding that?

It seems that Lujayn and Raneem have been raising money to go to Minneapolis to cause trouble.  (archive link)
Youth organizers in Iowa City, Iowa are planning on holding a rally on Saturday in solidarity with the Minnesota Protests against the brutal murder of George Floyd. After the rally, we are planning on leading a vehicle protest towards our final destination, Minneapolis, Minnesota. We want to stand with our brothers and sisters but we must adhere to CDC requirements. Your donations would help pay for masks, hand sanitizers, gloves, gas, as well as water and snacks. It has been far too quiet, it is our turn to be heard. The Revolution will not be televised. 

It's been too quiet?  Really?

It's pathetic how these Sudanese Muslim invaders come here and try to act like they're down with the cause of African-Americans.  They show up, act like a radical leftist pet for white people, get a free house, an expensive education paid for by somebody else, and then they act like they're so oppressed.   They've been brainwashed to practice taquiya.  They're probably mad at everybody because their genitals were mutilated.

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