Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Des Moines Register's Nick Coltrain is an Asshole Propagandist

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Oh, the "peaceful protesters" in Des Moines were harassed by the awful ray ciss cops in Des Moines, says a propaganda piece co-written by dickless soyboy Nick Coltrain of the Register.

It's too bad the DMPD didn't pepper spray Coltrain and his violence-promoting girlfriend, "Krista Lee".

The crowds are dwindling down to barely a hundred miscreants and commie assholes prone to commit violence anywhere at anytime.  Normal people do not give a fuck about the Black Lies Matter douchebags or Commie agitators who are left.  We're all sad about George Floyd.  Even criminal pieces of shit don't deserve to die like that, but that didn't happen here.

We think a lot of people wish the DMPD would open fire on these assholes and end this nightly stupidity.  Maybe the cops could take out a few "reporters" as a bonus.  They won't, but they should.

These "protesters" haven't been peaceful.  They've been rioting, causing destruction, vandalism, and terrorizing neighborhoods.  Fuck 'em.

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