Monday, June 22, 2020

The Des Moines Register is the Enemy of The People

Shelby Fleig of the Des Moines Register

The Des Moines Register is absolutely insane.

There's Walter Duranty-style propaganda from creepy, man-looking-woman Ashton Weis in the anarchy zone in Seattle, special to the Register.  Archive link

There's the story on the ugly ass cunt from Fort Dodge, Mary Jo Laupp, who engaged in likely illegal behavior to get tickets to the recent Trump rally in Tulsa.  I'd like to see her arrested and thrown in prison rather than celebrated for election interference.  Archive link

And there's the story on the BLM assholes at the HyVee on SE 14th St in Des Moines, and the scared police hiding while a patrol car is spray painted by a white arm.  Funny how the Register's photographer Bryon Houlgrave doesn't take a picture of the person committing the crime.  Archive link

You're not a "protester" if your vandalizing something.

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