Sunday, June 7, 2020

Des Moines Register Reporter Nick Coltrain's Girlfriend "Krista Lee" is a Racist Cunt Who is in Favor of Violence

Who is Krista (Christine) Lee and why is this blog mentioning her racist, hateful self?

Krista is in a relationship with Nick Coltrain.  Who is Nick Coltrain?  He's just another one of the radical Leftist assholes masquerading as a "politics reporter" for the Des Moines Register.

Krista has a habit of going around on Facebook and justifying violence and destruction because she is a stupid libtard racist cunt who hates "white people".

Below is Krista's response to all the graffiti and destruction at the University of Iowa Children's Hospital, Kinnick Stadium, and of the Nile Kinnick statue.

Even though everybody hates police brutality, and everybody was disgusted by the George Floyd video, and almost all of these cases seem to happen in Democrat-run areas full of minorities, most of which have minorities in charge of the police departments, this is all the fault of "white people".

Kind of like how the Nazis blamed everything on "The Jews".

But wait.  Half of the officers on the scene at the death of George Floyd were so-called "minorities".  One was African-American.  One was Asian.

How would Krista Lee rationalize that?  She'd probably say the other officers were "acting white" or had to act that way to be subservient to the whtie man.

Here's how dumb this fucking broad is:

Boy, is she dumb.

Where does she work?  Possibly Amerigroup, in the communications division?

Amerigroup, maybe you should fire this pro-violence, racist cunt.

Thanks to "Tyler Durden" of Pleasant Hill for alerting me and sending some of the screenshots.

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