Thursday, June 4, 2020

Systemic Democrat Incompetence

Funny how the Des Moines Register still isn't allowing comments on any of their articles.

Shelby Fleig, the little cunt who fluffed Amy Klobuchar last summer, had an article about the ongoing demonstrations in Des Moines (archive link).  According To Shelby, everything was peaceful.... until 23 people were arrested.

Tony Leys has an article (archive link) about the 5 black Democrats in the Iowa Legislature, mainly Ruth Ann Gaines.  Leys then pushes the bullshit lie that Iowa is one of the worst places for blacks in the US because black people who are actual criminals go to jail and prison.  Fuck you, Tony Leys.

Then you have Mayor Cuck Cownie, standing in his yard looking like a bandit, addressing the mob who showed up to his house, which he surely knew about in advance from Matthew Bruce or Justyn Lewis (archive link).  And he gets a list of "demands", one of which includes releasing everybody who was arrested for rioting and looting and violence, and another thing Cownie can't do anything about, restoring the voting rights of felons before they've finished their parole or paid their restitution.

Look at all the Democrat incompetence on display.

As far as I can see, it's the corrupt, deep blue cities that have the cop problem.  Do you black "leaders" have any examples of cops in red areas harassing or killing black people?  Gee, I'd love to read of some.

And what have the black "leaders" been doing about Des Moines?  Nothing!  After the video of Montray Little and Jared Clinton came out a couple years ago being harassed by Des Moines Police officer Kyle Thies, nothing has changed.

And the black "leaders" are so narcissistic that they think it's a black problem.

Nope.  It's a cop problem.

It's mostly a Democrat problem.

But keep voting Democrat, because that will change things and improve the world for black people.

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