Monday, June 1, 2020

Register "Reporter" Philip Joens uses Quotation Marks

Archive link:

You can tell that Gannett / Des Moines Register doesn't want to describe rioters as rioters by way of a Philip Joens story published on Monday, June 1st.

The archive link above may have an ad over the section, so I saved a screenshot below:

Even though Joens is referring Davenport Police Chief Paul Sikorski's statement, Joens has to put the word rioters in quotes.

This is a tactic by "reporters" who don't agree with the word being used.

Or by a corporate parent who has issued some kind of internal "style guide".

The corporate media and the radical Left lapdogs working for them love this kind of censorship.

So when a police chief utters a word like "rioting", the media has to put quotes around it.  

You see, that's HIS word.

The Radical Democrat Left "reporters" want to call 100 people causing destruction and shooting and looting in the middle of the night "protesters" or "activists".

And the cop was shot after being "ambushed".

You've got to wonder what word Joens would be using if the chief hadn't said "ambushed".

"The cop was surprised by the bullets"

"The cop was unaware of the incoming bullets"

Something dumb like that.

Because reporters today are dumb assholes.

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