Sunday, June 21, 2020

Democrat Janet Lyness is a Criminal

Do Nothing Dave Loebsack and Do Nothing Janet Lyness, Democrat Scumbags

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It's no surprise that Mazin Mohamedali, previously convicted of 2nd degree robbery, drug charges, and who knows what as a juvenile, was slapped on the wrist by Johnson County Attorney Janet Lyness.  All of Mohamedali's recent numerous charges were dismissed, except one involving disorderly conduct, which is what this blog mostly predicted.

Mazin Mohamedali, black criminal privilege in Democratr-run Johnson County

Just like in other deep blue cities and counties, if you want to riot, destroy shit, and cause problems then you can get away with it all if you're an anarchist communist and your lawyer is whitey red like Rockne Cole.

Lyness has a long track record of letting criminals go free, or mostly free.  She was the assistant county attorney under J. Patrick White when ICPD Officer Jeffrey Gillespie killed sculptor Eric Shaw in his studio in 1996 because Shaw had his back door propped open on a warm summer evening and was talking on the phone.  Gillespie was never charged, never faced a grand jury, and was able to resign.

I'm sure we'll see Mohamedali in the crime report in the future.  Mohamedali got 3 years probation for a First Degree Robbery charge that was plead down to Second Degree Robbery, still a felony.  Who gets probation for a felony?  Anybody in Democrat Janet Lyness's jurisdiction.  And Mohamedali couldn't even manage to make it through probation.

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