Monday, June 1, 2020

No Comments Allowed on Any Des Moines Register Stories

It looks like the Des Moines Register has suspended the ability for Facebook users to comment on their stories.

You wouldn't want to know what the community thinks of all the rioting going on.

There are about 10 or 15 regularly posting kooks who probably think destroying and looting businesses in Des Moines is an appropriate response to a guy being killed by a cop in Minneapolis, even though the cops were quickly fired and the killer cop quickly arrested and the Feds quickly involved.

These radical, mentally ill, Democrat nutjobs would be destroyed by the concerned citizens in the Des Moines Metro area and around the world who are appalled at what's going on.

Carol Hunter and the rest of the radical Left assholes at the Register and Gannett don't want the community talking.  They don't want to hear what we really think of what's going on, or how the Register's "reporters" are describing it.

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