Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Lujayn Hamad and Raneem Hamad are Wannabe Terrorists and Real Enemies of the United States

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Gannett seems to be employing wannabe rioters in Iowa City as "photographers" for the Press-Citizen.  The evidence for this are the potato-quality photos that were published of last night's graffiti and broken windows in downtown Iowa City.  Even a relatively knowledgeable beginning photographer could get decent pics out of a cheap old iPhone or Android device given the right app with manual adjustments.

But this column isn't about Gannett or bad photography.  It's about raising wannabe terrorists.

Look at Lujayn Hamad and Raneem Hamad, pictured above in 2016 at West High School in Iowa City, and who kicked off the "protests", destruction, and wannabe-riots in the Iowa City and Coralville area in 2020.

Lujayn and Raneem created the "hate note hoax" of 2016, which the media reported without question and the local Iowa City "blue line" police played along with in order to gin up hatred of Trump supporters and Republicans.

Anybody with two brain cells could tell that this was a staged political hit job designed for the media.  Johnson County is deep blue, all-Democrat, even the lazy pigs there.  There was allegedly an "investigation" and "reward" but it was all for show.  

Look at that paper:  lined and pre-punched.  Only grade school kids use that kind of paper.  The scrawl is definitely female.  Who signs anything with a hashtag?  All the other "hate notes" happening at the time were hoaxes.  It would take the average honest detective about 30 seconds to determine that the Hamad sisters made this bullshit up and their Muslim parents, Amar Samel and Muna Abdalla, played along in their deception game of taqqiya which fools gullible dumb white libtards.

This is the problem with deep blue Democrat areas.  The local pigs, prosecutors, and politicians, all Democrats, are corrupt.  The media are in their back pocket, and usually have a monopoly.  Same thing with Des Moines.  Same thing with Davenport.  Same thing with Waterloo.  Same thing with Mineapolis.  St Paul.  Chicago.  New York City.

Democrats don't want justice.  Democrats don't want real reform.  Which is why there was no justice for Eric Shaw when he was killed by Iowa City Officer Jeffrey Gillespie in late August of 1996.  (Archive link).

So we import the Hamad / Samel / Abdalla family, give them a Habitat for Humanity house, have them go to allegedly "good" schools, and the girls go on to NYU and Columbia, two very expensive school, to get bullshit degrees in "social justice", and they come back to Iowa City in the summer to organize "protests" that cause destruction and trouble over the police killing of a man in Minneapolis.  

As far as I'm concerned, the Hamad sisters are wannabe terrorists.  They're definitely enemies of the United States.  They hate this country, even though they've been welcomed and pampered.

They're not even black, not in the traditional "African-American / Negro" definition, and yet they try to adopt their causes, kind of like that phony Barack Obama.  Instead of being Hawaiian by way of Indonesia like Obama, they're from the Sudan, which is mostly Arabic.  Their parents fled from the regime of Omar al-Bashir, who was a real bastard.  But they come to the US and put signs in their front yard supporting cop-hater and black radical troublemaker Royceann Porter for county supervisor, and every other America-hating Democrat that Johnson County or Iowa City offers in elections.

Everything Lujayn Hamad and Raneem Hamad do publicly should be watched and documented and archived because the local media will have a memory hole in the future if they decide to come back to Iowa and cause trouble after graduation, which they might do because fooling atheist whitey and manipulating their komrades in the corporate media is easy.

Where has Iowa City gone since the police killing of Eric Shaw in 1996?

It's gone nowhere.

Where are the modern day politicians standing up and apologizing for what happened to Eric Shaw and the treatment of Shaw's parents, Jay and Blossom Shaw?

Why aren't the police talking about that case first?

I've seen photos of the Iowa City and Coralville area HyVee grocery stores all boarded up.  Is this what it's come to?  And Raneem Hamad used to work for HyVee in high school.  This is what happens when your "religion" mutilates your genitals.

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