Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Latest Terrorist Front Group in Iowa: "Iowa Freedom Riders"

Archive link:  http://archive.vn/L2g6A

They're not about "freedom".

They're commie fucks who want to control everything and riot with impunity.

And they want to be able to carry weed around.

You call smell that they'd like to morph into the a new version of the NKVD.  Because that's always what Commies want.

They're always involved in crime, and they want power.  They want to take over the criminal enterprises of Deep Blue Democrat governments.

The so-called "leader" of this terrorist front group, Mazin Mohamedali, 20 years old, was finally arrested on Sunday (archive link) for unlawful assembly, disorderly conduct for obstructing a public way, and a probation violation involving an earlier conviction of second-degree robberty

Do you think Mazin Mohamedali knows Lujayn and Raneem Hamad?  What do you think the odd are of that?

Mazin certainly knows Joe Bolkcom.

Do you think any Iowa newspapers will be looking into Mohamedali's background and past crimes the way the Des Moines Register's Aaron Calvin looked into that guy who raised millions for the University of Iowa Children's Hospital?  No way.

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