Friday, June 19, 2020

Democrat Miasma

No links in this column.

Some questions we should be asking:

Why are deep blue Democrat-run cities, Democrat-run counties, Democrat-run states, most colleges and universities that are run by Democrats, the Democrat-run entertainment industry, and the Democrat-run media outlets filled with crooks, racists, perverts, and losers?

The University of Iowa and Iowa State University are all run by commie-leftist nutjobs who make way too much money.  Didn't I read years ago that the University of Iowa only had 8% of staff who identified as Republican, most of them were doctors?  That numerous departments didn't have a single Republican professor.  That the University of Iowa Law School, with nearly 50 professors at one time, only had one registered Republican and he was constantly being bothered about it.

Because the universities are filled with so-called "liberals" then why does a school like the University of Iowa need a department with a budget in the multiple millions devoted to "diversity"?  Every college and university and too many large companies run by libtards think they need this.

If everybody is so "smart" and "enlightened" and on the same page about leftist politics, when why are they so incompetent when an actual sexual assault case happens on campus?

Same thing with the justice system in those counties. 

The Democrats import criminals for their welfare dollars and to import drugs, play "catch and release" with offenders to keep the Democrat Industrial Complex (police, jail, prison, parole officers, halfway houses, welfare, social workers, therapists, psychiatrists, politicians, abortion clinics, etc) employed, and then they wonder why our jails and prisons are filled with actual criminals. 

They say it must be "systemic racism" on the part of "white people".

No, it's systemic racism on the part of Democrats.

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