Friday, November 8, 2019

Cedar Rapids Gazette's Adam "Fake Conservative" Sullivan Had to Call His Mom in Order to Vote. What A Fucking Loser.

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Do we need more proof that Adam Sullivan of the Cedar Rapids Gazette is a fake conservative?

In his latest column, he comes off as a total loser.  Total losers shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Sullivan is such a fucking idiot, he can't go to the Secretary of State's web site to see what he might need to bring with him in order to vote.

How hard is it to get the address on your driver's license updated?  Not very.

If Sullivan is renting, surely he has a lease.

Is Sullivan banking anywhere?  Or does he send those statements to mommy & daddy's house?

Does Sullivan have a cell phone plan?  Those statements are accepted with his current address on it.

How about a paycheck?  Is the Gazette still handing those out?  I know a lot of places use direct deposit and services like ADP, but you can still print off your address from that pay notification.

Sullivan admits he's an idiot:
Because I follow and write about politics and government for a living — including columns and editorials about this very law — I initially felt a little bit stupid admitting that I had not studied the rules and planned ahead well enough to comply with the law.
But no, I remembered, it is politicians who should feel stupid.
So it's never Adam Sullivan's fault for failing to comply with the law and being extremely sloppy with his record-keeping.

What a fucking loser.

Imagine Adam Sullivan applying for a student loan, or disability, or EBT.  Or citizenship.  He doesn't have a fucking clue what people doing those things have to provide. 

He thinks he can just waltz into his precinct on Election Day, with all his shit out of order, and have his dick sucked.
On top of that, it’s not clear voter ID is an effective solution to any real problem. The type of election fraud voter ID might safeguard against — individuals physically visiting polling locations and impersonating other people — has not been shown to be a widespread phenomenon.

Hey asshole, before the law was enacted did any of your fellow "reporters" ever bother to try to vote without using an ID?  NO, YOU DIDN'T.  It was very easy to do.  It's very cheap to buy a county's recent voter roll data, including "inactive" voters.  All you had to do was memorize some information about a particular voter and most times you could be handed a ballot without question and without having ID on you.  At the worst, you'd be given a provisional ballot.

None of you 'reporters' ever bothered with doing that.  You weren't even curious at how easy it was to facilitate and execute voter fraud.

But you get on your moral "sovereign citizen" crusade nonsense about not wanting to carry "government-issued papers" to exercise your rights.  That's bullshit.  Voting is a privilege of citizenship, not a Right.  Driving is a privilege.  Apply for a student loan is a privilege.  Applying for EBT or citizenship is a privilege.  NOT A RIGHT.  There has to be some proof or verification that you are who you say you are.

Jesus fucking Christ.  Where do newspapers find these retards?

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