Saturday, November 9, 2019

Richard Cherwitz Should be Drug Tested

Non-archive link:

Why does Richard Cherwitz write for the Iowa City Press Shitstain and the Des Moines Register?  Because he constantly spews out columns full of distortion and Trump hate.

Cherwitz's knowledge of the Ukraine conspiracy theory is probably the dumbest I've ever seen.  This delusional dumbfuck thinks there are credible witnesses concerning "quid pro quo"?  What the fuck?  Has Cherwitz been drug tested lately?

Cherwitz is such a fucking idiot that he thinks Joe Biden and his crackhead son Hunter are clean as can be?

Everything else Cherwitz goes on about with Trump demonstrates to me that he doesn't know what the Executive branch does.  Cherwitz has no clue what the President can and can't do.

Here's Cherwitz's email:

and his address:

The University of Texas at Austin
Department of Communication Studies
2504A Whitis Ave. (A1105)
Austin, TX 78712-0115

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