Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Michael Bloomberg Wants to Bring More Illegals to America for Cheap Slave Labor and Democrat Votes

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The midget billionaire nanny-stater, who is skipping Iowa in favor of large ad buys before Super Tuesday for multi-national-owned TV stations and newspapers, said recently that America needs “an awful lot more immigrants rather than less.”

Like who?  Cristhian Bahena Rivera, the murderer of Mollie Tibbets?

Like who?  Bernie-wannabe-voting Salvadoran illegal and media darling Kenia Calderon?  Make America a Commie shit hole like my "home" country!  I'm an "activist"!

Like who?  The hoaxing Hamad sisters?  More "activists"!

Michael Bloomberg is behind New American Economy, which was a big supporter of the "Take US Jobs and Give Them to Foreigners" act (HR 1044), which Iowa Democrats Cindy Axne, Abby Finkenauer, and Dave Loebsack voted for.

Funny how the newspapers didn't report on that vote!

They're all PHONY DEMOCRATS who will happily sell out the American Worker to big corporations!

And their willing komrades in the news media, these treasonous scumbags who hate America and hate Americans, gladly accept Bloomberg's millions of dollars to stay silent and not tell the truth.

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