Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Michael Bugeja: What You Should Know About Pete Buttfucker

Archive link:

Michael Bugeja is a "distinguished professor of journalism" at Iowa State University.  Or, in other words, he's a Republican-hating douchebag who occasionally writes bullshit for the Des Moines Register.  He's also from Malta, wherever the fuck that is, just like Butthead's dad.  Bully for you!  I'm sure in Malta they say, "Where the fuck is Des Moines?"

I love the headline of his op-ed:  "What You Should Know About Pete Buttigieg"

The headline, considering it's Bugeja writing the op-ed, should be "The Only Things You Should Know That I Tell You About Pete Buttigieg"

I do know that Pete Buttfucker has sex with men.

Not that there's anything wrong with it.

He was raised a Red Diaper Baby by his Communist parents.

He's another Harvard asshole.  Just like George W Bush and Barack Obama.  And a Rhodes Scholar.  Just like Bill Clinton.

Nothing says "change" like going to Harvard and Oxford and then getting into politics.

He's the Mayor of South Bend, Indiana.  Which is kind of like saying that he's the Mayor of Sioux City or Waterloo, but with South Bend being more a shit hole town.  Would you vote for the Mayor of Sioux City as President?  Maybe only if he had sex with men.  What can brown do for you?

Buttigieg was in the military, so that means you can't question his patriotism.  Kind of like Lieutenant Colonel Vindman and Chelsea Manning and Nidal Hasan.  You must bow down and bend over.  The only people in the military whose patriotism can be questioned are the Michael Flynns, or military dudes who openly disdain queers for being queer but will be friends with them "but not in a homosexual way" like the late Rudy from Survivor.

Pete is a "progressive Christian", which means he gets everything in the Bible wrong and makes it about himself.

Now time for the free ad by Bugeja:
Buttigieg supports Medicare for those who want it. He has courted labor unions and wants to address climate change, institute background checks for gun purchases and create a pathway to citizenship for immigrants.
In other words:
  • Buttigieg wants a broke service like Medicare to take on more people.  How do you propose to pay for that?  And Buttigieg probably, secretly, wants to outlaw private health insurance, or make it so expensive that working people can't afford it, like what Democrats (and some Republicans) have done in the past decade.
  • Buttigieg just wants to kiss the ring of the unions, which anymore are just government employee robots who are told who to vote for.  Fuck you, pay me my dues.
  • Buttigieg thinks that raising taxes and outlawing straws in the United States will make the weather colder.  We must all drive electric cars and use bike lanes in the winter.  What kind of a lunatic believes this bullshit?
  • Don't we already have background checks for gun purchases?  Yes, mostly, but if you want to sell a gun to your brother-in-law then you should be required to perform a background check.  Buttigieg probably also secretly wants a database of guns registered in US so that when the 2nd Amendment is outlawed by some judge in Hawaii then he can send his union LEOs out to collect them and kill anybody who doesn't comply.  Because what's more American than that?
  • Buttsex also wants to create a pathway to citizenship for uppity, America-hating illegals like Kenia Calderon so she can legally vote for Commie assholes like Bernie Sanders.  That way, America can be more like her shit hole beloved home country of El Salvador that her parents supposedly "fled" when she was 11.  No, Butthead wants total amnesty for illegal invaders.  Anything to cross the border, collect benefits, and vote Democrat.  Keep those Harvard/Oxford perverts in charge for another century or two.

Then there's this:
I’m a fiscal conservative and social liberal — the type of Iowan (and perhaps American) that Buttigieg is recruiting to his camp. I believe he will continue to surprise us as underdog in a kennel of Democratic billionaires and divisive progressives.
What kind of "fiscal conservative" thinks "Medicare for All" is a good idea?

Here's all you need to know about Michael Bugeja:

After the Jussie Smollett case was dropped in Chicago long after everybody knew it was a hoax, Bugeja wrote a lengthy piece for his blog Living Media Ethics.

Here's an archive link to the Smollett column:

And a non-archive link:

Note how Bugeja highlights "crime" stats, but focuses on black and gay reported (but not adjudicated) incidents.  Meanwhile, if you look at the alleged "anti-white" attacks, the percentage increase is higher than that of blacks and gays.

While Bugeja offers a couple of suggestions for journalists regarding hoaxes, most of Bugeja's suggestions involved focusing on "hate crimes" and "victims" and "diversity" and "service journalism" and and blah blah blah blah blah.

In other words, Bugeja is more interested in pushing a narrative rather than looking for the truth.

That's how you get frauds like Stephen Gruber-Miller and Erin Jordan publishing "stories" like the Iowa City "hate note" hoax from 2016 which was obviously concocted or executed by the hoaxing Hamad sisters.

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