Monday, November 25, 2019

Pink-Haired College Student Wonders Why People in Public Housing in Illinois Can't Smoke Marijuana When It Becomes Legal There

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Erica Parrigin is an undergraduate English major at Western Illinois University.

What Erica doesn't point on in her Quad City Times Opinion piece is that those who are living in Federal public housing can't smoke cigarettes since July 31, 2018.

Funny how you didn't mention that, Erica.

And yet, Erica wants those living in Federal housing to be able to smoke marijuana when it becomes legal in Illinois on January 1, 2020.

She goes on and on and on about "redlining", but doesn't mention anything about whether people can smoke tobacco in public housing.

Listen, pinko, working people don't want to be around those who are living in subsidized housing, unless they're old or disabled or poor people who don't have baggage.  Those who aren't that way bring crime and trouble and misery.  You want to shoe-horn that shit into my neighborhood by calling me a racist?  Fuck you!

Will people on welfare even be able to afford legal weed in Illinois?  Like all deep blue-run states, the taxes on it will surely be sky high.  You might get a better deal from your buddy with the grow-op in his basement.

Think about all the Jobs Jobs Jobs from legal weed.

Like what?  Selling weed.  Selling bongs and pipes.  Screens.  Rolling papers.  Cheetos.  What else?

Who prints this kind of crap opinion?  Stupid newspapers.

Don't look at me for advice.  I think marijuana should be "decriminalized", not "legalized" and taxed to death by the government who, just a few minutes ago, would gladly put your in prison for possession of a plant.

Should people in public housing be able to smoke marijuana?  You know what I say?  You don't like the rules, then go get a fucking job and move out, or figure out a way to not live in Federal housing.

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