Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Next Week: Todd Dorman Provides a List of His Favorite "Cuckold" Porn Sites

Archive link:  http://archive.is/l24Uy

Rather than actually informing the public that the President has the right to set foreign policy, the Democrats are hot on the trail of another hoax, Joe Biden is corrupt and brain damaged, and his son Hunter Biden is a crackhead alcoholic piece of shit with no skills other than directing his penis into his late brother's widow and influence peddling for daddy, Todd Dorman of the Cedar Rapids Gazette decides to write this kind of column:
That U.S. House impeachment inquiry commences with real live public testimony this week. And the whole sordid, televised saga may drive some of you to drink.
So here are some drink suggestions I’ll be whipping up.

How thoughtful.

Maybe next week we can be treated to Dorman's list of favorite "cuckold" porn sites.  I'm sure he's got quite a list.

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