Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Des Moines Register and Abby Finkenauer Think Rural Broadband is an Important Issue But Stay Silent on Destroying American Jobs

Non-archive link:  https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/opinion/columnists/2019/11/04/rural-broadband-key-21st-century-success/4108231002/

Abby Finkenauer, the radical Leftist fraud who is the Congressman from Iowa's 1st District, seems to have a deal with all the newspapers in Iowa to put forth the most boring issues in front of voters.

This time, in the Register, it's an opinion piece on Rural Broadband.  That topic is really nothing but corporate welfare for local telecom providers.  It's probably the most boring, nothing issue out there.  Nobody gives a shit about it.

The corporate media outlets certain don't want to talk about Abby Finkenauer voting to sell out Iowa and American jobs to foreign workers.

Nobody wants to talk about how Abby Finkenauer want to impeach President Trump over nothing.

Or how Abby Finkenauer would definitely vote for that idiotic Green New Deal that AOC was pushing.

Would Abby Finkenauer love to outlaw private insurance?  I bet she would.

Raise taxes?  Definitely.

Have open borders?  Yes, I think she would be in favor of that.

Would she want to keep the endless wars going across the planet?  I bet she'd be in favor of that if the Democrats were in charge.

Would Abby Finkenauer try to outlaw the Second Amendment and ban all guns?  Has anybody asked her.  I bet, deep down, she would love for that to happen.  She would lie and talk about hunters and gatherers.

I think Abby Finkenauer is so radical Leftist that I bet she'd love to outlaw the Republican party and put Trump voters and MAGA-hat wearers in prison for hate crimes.  It wouldn't surprise me!

The Register is too busy writing Fake News puff pieces about Abby's mom baking cupcakes and pushing Abby's union-supporting family to ask her serious questions.

The corporate media think Abby Finkenauer can just cakewalk to re-election.  We're going to do our best to make sure she's a one-termer.

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