Sunday, November 17, 2019

Pete Buttfucker is the Democrat Front Runner, According to the Des Moines Register

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The Des Moines Register's bogus "Iowa Poll" has Pete Butthead as the "clear front runner" of the pack of rabid Socialists and Communists aka Today's Democratic Party.

I doubt it.  I've been around Iowa.  I haven't seen that many "Pete 2020" signs. 

I see more Tulsi Gabbard signs, and Tulsi is allegedly polling at 3%, down in Kamala Harris and Cory Booker territory.

Joe Biden is still at 15%?  That brain-damaged crook with his crackhead son.  I've seen two Biden signs, and they were 150 miles apart.

The Iowa Poll is all bullshit.  It's the flavor of the moment, or what the Register wants you to believe is the truth.  It's lefty virtue signaling.  "See, I'm OK with a gay man as President!"

The idea that somebody who is the 37 year old mayor of a town like Sioux City or Cedar Rapids, but much crappier, is going to be a good choice for the Presidency is insane.

That's all a little more important than the fact that he's married to a dude and spreads campaign material around touting the first thing that he's a "husband".  Or his last name starts with "Butt" and is unpronounceable.

You Democrats think THAT (or any of your other shitty candidates with their bad ideas) is going to beat Donald Trump?

Stick a microphone in any hardcore Democrat's face and ask them what are Pete Buttmunch's top three ideas or plans if he becomes President and I doubt they could come up with anything other than Democrat Boilerplate.

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