Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Des Moines Register's Iowa Poll is Shocked to Discover Support for President Trump

Non-archive link:  https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/iowa-poll/2019/11/18/iowa-poll-results-president-trump-popularity-sky-high-among-registered-republicans/4205580002/

Typical of the writing:
U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney, the Republican Party’s 2012 nominee for president, has fallen from grace among these Iowa Republicans. 
The senator is occasionally critical of the president, and, though he has publicly ruled out a run, he’s among the Republicans some considerable to mount a serious bid against Trump. In December 2018, Romney had a more than three-to-one favorable-to-unfavorable rating of 65% to 21%. Today, that’s fallen to 36% favorable to 46% unfavorable.
Gee, why is that? 

Because Mitt Romney is a two-faced asshole, perhaps?

Let's take a look at some of the comments on this article:

I've seen Debbie Linthicum's comments for years.  She's a Leftist partisan nutjob.  Batshit crazy.  In need of serious mental health treatment.  A total liar and cunt.  You can't argue with an insane person.

Look at how stupid she is.  The "whistleblower" doesn't even qualify under the Whistleblower statute, and it doesn't apply to the President.  The Executive Branch staff can ignore bullshit Congressional subpoenas.  Caging kids?  Really?  Putin?  Her facts can't ever be challenged with actual facts.

Chris is another dumbfuck retarded Democrat partisan who knows jack shit about our government.  "Rein in the President's power"?  No, you fucking moron, the President gets to set foreign policy.  He gets to hire and fire the people who represent him overseas.  He can look into whether or not Hunter Biden the Crackhead and his brain damaged father Joe were skimming money through kickbacks. 

You don't like Trump in power because you'd rather have that rapist-enabling, perv-surrounded, crooked Hillary as President.  You only support her because she's a Democrat.

Hey, dumbass, not all environmental regulations are good.  We shouldn't close off all the land to prevent it from being mined or drilled.  That's stupid.  We shouldn't call a puddle of water on private property "a navigable waterway" and subject it to Federal regulation.  No one's calling for strip mining the planet.  Get over yourself.

"Climate change" is a hoax.  You are a fucking idiot.

Blue Dick, formerly of Rhode Island, but now living in Hendersonville, North Carolina.  Does he spend his days commenting on Gannett newspaper articles? 

Look at that: "I do not understand how these corn husking, meth head, opiod addicted fly over states have become so important"

This, from a guy originally from Rhode Island!

You can fit just over 36 Rhode Islands in one Iowa.

And they still get a House representative and two Senators.

Why are those fishy, government teat-suckers so damn important?

Good to see a little push back in the comments from "John Thomas".

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