Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hawkeye Poll Fake News: How is the Media's Disinformation Campaign Aimed at President Trump Going with Iowans?

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The bullshit "Hawkeye Poll" is just a way to measure how the corporate media's disinformation campaign is going against President Trump.

James Q. Lynch, of the Cedar Rancid Gazette, when he's not writing Kamala Harris puff pieces, or lying about whether Eric Ciaramella qualifies under the Whistleblower Statute, references this from the poll:
Iowans opposed the impeachment inquiry despite a plurality of 47 percent reporting who think Trump was pursuing his personal interest in his dealings with Ukraine. Forty percent said he was pursuing the national interest.
Personal interest?

This is the first I've heard of that topic.

Why are Democrats so fucking stupid?  It's because they're programmed that way by the media.  They will believe ANYTHING negative about President Trump.  They will fall for any hoax, whether it's Russian prostitutes peeing on him, being Putin's cock-hostler, Russian interference in the 2016 election, and whatever this "personal interest" thing is.  Was he planning to build a Trump Resort in Kiev or something? 

It's not like I'm on here defending President Trump 24/7.  I'm not a partisan.  Trump hasn't done anything worthy of actual impeachment.  All these charges against him are bullshit and hoaxes by members of the Deep State.  My concern is why we aren't rooting out the coup plotters, arresting them, and executing them.  Stop this shit.  Don't we all have better things to do?  I guess not!

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