Saturday, November 2, 2019

Racist AOC is Coming to Coralville with Bernie, Nick Coltrain of the Des Moines Register Says Nothing About AOC's Racism and Stupidity

Des Moines Register Archive link:

It makes sense that the Des Moines Register's Nick Coltrain doesn't mention anything about that mouthy cunt AOC in his recent story about her planned visit with Bernie to Coralville on November 9th.  Coltrain is only interested in smearing Republicans, whether or not the story is actually true (Steve King).

So let's bring up some of the stupid things AOC has said recently.

October 28, 2019:  Daily Wire:  "AOC links white people to her grandfather's death"

May 24, 2019:  Growing Cauliflower is racist:

"I've never seen a garbage disposal... it's terrifying"

I could go on and on.

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