Monday, November 4, 2019

If You're Truly Guilty of Something in Iowa, Hire Alfredo Parrish

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Does anybody listen to Alfredo Parrish anymore?  Only the guilty after they've been charged! 

It's hilarious to read Parrish's virtue signaling bullshit in the Des Moines Register, especially since he makes his living defending the truly guilty, violent criminals, gun toting murderers, sexual abusers, and trying to get them out of prison or at least lighter sentences.

Pierre Pierce, anyone?  Chris Soules?  The Herz family?  Alexander Kozak?  The list is endless.

Yes, somebody has to defend these people.  I'm not criticizing Parrish for that. 

The only reason the Register published Parrish's bullshit is because few know the extent of Parrish's hypocrisy.  Plus it helps to get some free publicity. Even with all that money Parrish makes being a partner in that law firm, you don't want to have to pay for ads.

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