Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Des Moines Register's Bill Leonard Needs His Diaper Changed

Non-archive link:

Bill Leonard is just another Trump-hating asshole who has forgotten to have his nursing home diaper changed and instead decided to write some bullshit about how Trump is destroying the environment by trying to lift a 2016 lame duck-era Obama Administration ban on mineral leases and potential mining operations in northern Minnesota.

You could fill in your knowledge with a couple of MPR stories on the matter from 2018 and 2016.

By reading those two stories, and learning more about the issue, you can figure out what's going on rather than relying on Bill Leonoard's bullshit about "climate change", mining refuse, sewage swills, and quoting assholes like MSLSD's Chris Hayes.  The Obama Administration was trying to ban anything and everything before Trump arrived, or at least gum everything up so that fucking assholes like Bill Leonard could write stories about how Trump wants to destroy the planet.

If you look at all the newspapers throughout Iowa, there is rarely a single opinion piece that is ever positive about Trump.  It's just negativity all the time.  It's bullshit all the time.

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