Sunday, November 17, 2019

Richard Cherwitz Blames Republicans For Everything

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Why does University of Texas Professor Richard Cherwitz write for the Des Moines Register and the Iowa City Press-Shitstain?

It's because every column he writes bashes President Trump or Republicans in some bogus way.

This week, Cherwitz blames Republicans and "white nationalists under Trump" for a bunch of headstones being toppled at some Jewish cemetery in Omaha.


I'm going to take a wild guess and assume that it's "youths" who are doing the headstone toppling.  Like it always is. 

They probably don't even know they're in a "Jewish cemetery".  They're probably out being drunk and stupid, or looking for trouble.

Or, considering all the hoaxes going on these days, it could be a bunch of mentally ill leftists trying to gin up negative press against Trump and Republicans, knowing full well there are lots of assholes and demagogues like Richard Cherwitz around to make fake news opinion.

Carol "Cunter" Hunter, the executive editor of the Des Moines Register is responsible for printing shithead hate-mongers like Richard Cherwitz.

This evil cunt will stop at nothing to constantly bash Republicans and Trump, or approve of the attempted destruction of good people like Carson King.

And all the other employees of the Des Moines Register, Iowa City Press-Shitstain, and other statewide newspapers are in favor of this kind of insanity.  That's how bad "journalism" and "opinion" has gotten.

As for Cherwitz, one look at his entry in Rate My Professors says it all.  A "2.0" out of 5 rating. 

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