Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cedar Rapids Gazette's Todd Dorman is a Communist Sympathizer of Genocide and Misery

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We’re hearing a lot of scary cries of “socialism!” in 2019 from the politicians on the right as they assail Democratic candidates at all levels. Fearmongering, of course, is a grand American tradition. 
Consider the Red Scare that 100 years ago this month gripped Cedar Rapids.


How many have died from Communism over the previous 100 years? 

Around a hundred million or so, give or take.

Isn't that funny, Todd Dorman? 

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders want a "wealth tax".  It'll start with billionaires and their "net worth".  (Who determines "net worth"?)

Then I'm sure it'll hit millionaires.  And when all those people run away or get their money confiscated, the Socialists will "nationalize" your savings, steal your 401K, and take your college accounts.

Because they need money to make everything "free".

I'll tell you who is good at "fearmongering" today.   It's the fucking Socialists.  All the climate change assholes are Commies / Socialists.  When has any of their predictions ever been correct?  Didn't we just have a fucking arctic cold spell from the last week of October until the second week of November?

All the college professors who want to kill President Trump and commit genocide against all Christians and "bury them deep" are Socialists.

Why are all the Democrats / Socialists all a bunch of rapists and pervs and child fuckers?

And why does Todd Dorman constantly play interference for those rapists and child fuckers?

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