Sunday, November 3, 2019

Des Moines Register's Stephen "Fake News" Gruber-Miller Writes A Puff Piece on Radical Democrat Abby "Sell Out American Jobs To Foreigners" Finkenauer

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The Register's Stephen Gruber-Miller and Austin Cannon wrote a puff piece love letter for Abby Finkenauer and her fellow Democrats.

Gruber-Miller, when he worked for the Iowa City Press-Shitstain in 2016, "wrote" an article on the alleged "hate note" left on a Muslim family's door, which was so obviously a hoax.  This asshole is a butt boy for the Democrats and a total fraud as a "reporter".

The Finkenauer piece is all gloss and no substance.  Nothing about how Abby Finkenauer voted to sell out American jobs and give them to foreign workers.  It's all cupcakes and pickup trucks and quotes from that nobody John Delaney.

Notice how the media always has to push Abby Finkenauer's phony "union" credentials?  She is a fraud and a phony.  Abby Finkenauer is no friend of American workers.

Nothing about how Abby Finkenauer would vote to impeach President Trump despite there being absolutely no evidence of anything with him.  She's just another partisan tool and Leftist nutjob who would happily align with idiot cunts like AOC.

I sure hope somebody other than the bland Rod Blum runs against Finkenauer.  We need a fighter this time.

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