Monday, November 25, 2019

The Most Psychotic Des Moines Register Editorial in a Long Time

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Andie Dominick and Carol "Cunter" Hunter and the rest of the Register Editorial Board are a bunch of psychotics about abortion.

Don't they know what syphilis does to an infant????????????  AHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Like there's not a bunch of doctor offices, clinics, hospitals, and other ways in Iowa to get treated for STDs other than the Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic.

One thing the Register Editorial Bored leaves out:

Who is mostly bringing syphilis to Iowa?

The answer would be:  ILLEGALS

The Register doesn't want to talk about this.

The Register just wants to slam Republicans who disapprove of the Democrat money laundering machine called Planned Parenthood.

Kind of like how they don't want to talk about Crackhead Hunter Biden and Joe Biden and others peddling influence in exchange for kickbacks in the Ukraine.

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