Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Winter Storm Greta

Most of Iowa is waking up Tuesday to temperatures 15 to 20 degrees below normal and up to a few inches of snow hanging off the trees.

This early first snow should be called Winter Storm Greta, in honor of famous teenage Climate Scientist and Religious leader Greta von Thunberg.

How long before the Des Moines Register's globalist corporate overlords force them to publish a piece of fiction about how this has been the hottest autumn on record?

Monday, October 28, 2019

Kayne Robinson Speaks The Truth

Archive link:  http://archive.is/uEuIO

Kayne Robinson, former NRA employee and former Iowa Republican Party head, speaks the truth about Trump at the recent Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition banquet at the Iowa State Fairgrounds

Kayne Robinson, a former chairman of the Iowa Republican Party of Iowa who has recently worked for the National Rifle Association,laid out a scenario in which Democrats reclaim the U.S. Senate and remove the chamber's 60-vote requirement that currently prevents simple majority votes to advance most pieces of legislation. 
Democrat's priorities, according to Robinson: "Tax churches out of existence. Muzzle our speech. Physical roundup of guns and taxing ammunition out of existence. Socialized medicine ... doubling the national spending. And taxes." 
Robinson said he's heard complaints of "Trump's tweets and the way he talks." 
"If Trump didn't do this the way he does it, every word he says would be translated to you by some so-called 'news people' who loathe him — who hate him — and who loathe you and I, also," Robinson said. "We would never really hear from Trump. It's his way of leaping over them."
I totally agree with Kayne Robinson here.

Look at the Des Moines Register, in this case "reporter" Barbara Rodriguez, always interjecting something that is perceived to be negative about Donald Trump.  In this case, his tweets.

Barbara Rodriguez, always having to say something negative about Trump

Exactly which tweets by Trump are worthy of complaining about, Barbara?

Which ones?

It's just like the Register's constant trashing of Carson King.  These cunts have an agenda and they'll never quit.  Slur somebody as a racist once, whether or not it's actually true, and they think they can do it forever.  With Trump, the media think they can endlessly trash him over alleged complaints about "the way he talks" on Twitter.

That's why we're here.  Our job is to throw shit back at the corporate media.  Preferably in their mouths.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cedar Rapids Gazette Columnist Todd Dorman Defends Steve King

Archive link:  http://archive.is/kVgLW

Is there a more boring columnist in the Iowa Corporate Media than the Cedar Rapids Gazette's Todd Dorman?

What the fuck does Dorman do all day long to justify being employed?

Over the past couple of decades, he went from being a slightly sarcastic guy who covered the Statehouse in a respectable bipartisan way to being a neutered loser who has been phoning it in to keep in the good graces of the radical leftist nujobs and fake conservatives who took over the Cedar Rancid Gazette.

Maybe he likes being a beta?  Maybe he has nowhere else to go.

If I ran a newspaper, I would consider hiring Dorman, but only if the Dorman of yore showed up.

I'd give him a sex test.  He's either tucking it back or cut it off years ago.

Can you imagine being tasked to write a profile on Democrat Presidential candidate Michael Bennett?


The Colorado Senator.



The Colorado Senator whose brother is James Bennett, who is just another fucking asshole fake newser who is an Editorial Editor at the New York Slimes.

I will say this about Dorman.  At least he stood up to defend Steve King.  Maybe not Steve King himself, but the way Steve King's district is drawn, which is not in any way, shape, or form "gerrymandered" as Michael Bennett thought.

Has anybody drug tested Michael Bennett lately?  I wonder if he's been smoking from Katie Hill's bong.

Evil Kathie Obradovich is Leaving the Des Moines Register

Archive link:  http://archive.is/A1pH4

Looks like evil cocksucking whore of a cunt "journalist" Kathie Obradovich is moving on from being the rotten Opinion Editor of what's left of the Des Moines Register and going to a cabal of Leftist assholes called the States Newsroom.

States Newsroom is largely run by Lee Bodnar, who runs the Hopewell Fund, which largely funds States Newsroom. 

But the Hopewell Fund also works with Arabella Ventures, which was started by Eric Kessler.  Start reading about Arabella via this Breitbart article in September 2019.  It describes a vast network of wealthy Leftist assholes, liars, and child-fuckers that all lead to the crooked Clinton Foundation.

Looks like Kathie Obradovich's salary won't be paid for by crooked car dealers any more.  Instead, it will be subsidized by child fuckers and rapists.

Required Reading: The Washington Standard's David Greenfield "The Media Is A Threat To America - And It's Destroying America"

Archive link:  http://archive.is/8UofP

Non-Active link:  https://thewashingtonstandard.com/the-media-is-a-threat-to-america-and-its-destroying-america/

This is everything I've been saying, minus the swearing.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Nobody at THE Ohio State University Knows About Melissa Shivers' Anti-Christian Bigotry and Court Case

From a tipster who wishes to remain anonymous.

Looks like THE Ohio State University media and PR people aren't mentioning anything about UI Vice President for Racism and Bigotry Melissa Shivers' recent court case where she and two others were held personally liable for Anti-Christian bigotry.  Shivers was recently hired by Ohio State to, I guess, be an overpaid, highly toxic, and anti-Christian bigot.  Maybe "Dr Shivers" has other qualities, too.  I don't know.  She looks like she might be able to win some food eating contests.

We already know that the Gannett / Press-Citizen's cocksucking whore of a "journalist" Aimee Breaux failed to mention anything about Shivers' legal case.  Aimee really swallowed that one.  What a stenographer.

Let's look at some of the examples from the THE Ohio State side and other areas of the media / PR:

THE Ohio State University President Michael V. Drake, who must be an idiot.
Non-archive link:  https://news.osu.edu/ohio-state-names-vice-president-for-student-life/  PR post by Emily Caldwell.  Includes a quote by THE Ohio State President Michael V. Drake:
“Melissa brings the experience and leadership to help us take the Buckeye student experience to new heights,” Drake said. “Her skills and deep understanding of student life will ensure that Ohio State continues to be a national model in this area.”
You're going to hire a toxic Christian-hater who was found personally liable in a court case involving her job?  That's the best you could find?

Archive link:  http://archive.is/BNAiD  October 23rd article in The Lantern by Lydia Weyrich.  No mention of Shivers' recent legal case involving hating on Christian groups.

Archive link:  http://archive.is/vYO6s  Article at Diverse Education by Sara Weissman web site about Shivers' recent hire by Ohio State.  No mention of the court case.

Shockingly, Vanessa "I'm a cunt" Miller mentioned the court case in her story on Shivers.  Archive link http://archive.is/m14Sc  I suppose it was difficult for Miller to mention this, seeing how she usually spends her days constantly trashing Carson King.

The Ohio State Board of Trustees still has to rubber stamp Shivers' hiring.

Here is a list of some of the Board members:

Lobby the lawyers.

They know what it means when somebody loses "qualified immunity" in a lawsuit.

Saydel Middle School is Brainwashing Students With Lies, and the Des Moines Register Prints Them

Christopher Feldhans, the brainwashing Principal of Saydel Woodside Middle School

Non-archive link:  https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/opinion/columnists/2019/10/24/columbus-day-should-replaced-indigenous-peoples-day/4083505002/

I'm not surprised that the Des Moines Register's Opinion section is now printing fact-free essays from seventh graders who have been brainwashed at Saydel Woodside Middle School.

Sienna Robberts and Zoe Marquez, both seventh graders, contributed unsourced hate against Christopher Columbus in their call for eliminating the holiday and replacing it with "Indigenous Peoples Day", a holiday to celebrate the cannibalistic, warmongering, raping, torturing, skinning-you-alive people who were hanging around North America several hundred years ago.

The Knights of Columbus has been fighting this hatred and lies about Columbus for a long time.  Real academics have looked into the history of Columbus and found nothing of substance regarding these negative claims.

Where are the sources for the claims by Sienna Robberts and Zoe Marquez?  Don't schools require some kind of bibliography these days?

What's worse is that the Register would print this shit.

Andie Dominick, lying cunt

But we know that cunts like Andie Dominck and Carol "Cunter" Hunter and the rest of the crew at the Register are a bunch of unethical pieces of shit who will print lies without any concern.  They have created an incredibly toxic work environment where only the truly insane dominate.

Carol "Cunter" Hunter, piece of shit

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dumbass Beta O'Rourke and Press-Citizen Propagandist Zachary Oren Smith Don't Know The Last Person Lynched in Iowa Was White

Press-Citizen Archive link:  http://archive.is/T2Ljg

Zachary Oren Smith, the interloper propagandist for the Iowa City Press Shitstain, has an article on Beta O'Rourke's complaining of Trump's use of the word "lynching" to describe what Democrats in the House are attempting to do.

If you look up the definition of "lynching", it's mob action without due process of law.  Hanging.  Execution.  All that.

Just ask Jeff Klinzman.  The former Kirkwood Community College teacher wanted to beat President Trump with a baseball bat, and commit genocide against all Christians, something that Cedar Rapids Gazette's Vanessa "I'm a cunt" Miller and Adam "Fake Conservative" Sullivan failed to mention to any degree because they are likely in favor of harming or having worse done to President Trump and Christians, kind of like what Kathy Griffin promoted.

I bet that most "professors" and "reporters" in Iowa would love to see President Trump, and a lot of his supporters, "lynched".  They are all sick, evil people, who believe every bogus conspiracy theory from the Steele Dossier to the "Whistleblower".

One thing that Zachary Oren Smith and his ilk wouldn't know is that the last person lynched in Iowa was a White Man.  You can read about it in this PDF. 

ON  JANUARY  9,  1907, a  mob  of  several  hundred  men,  some masked  with  handkerchiefs  and  others  undisguised,  rammed down  the doors  of the Floyd County Jail in Charles City, Iowa,with  a  rail  iron.  Sheriff  William  Schermerhom  and  several deputies  offered  only  feeble  resistance  as  the  mob  seized  one of the prisoners, James Cullen. A wealthy, white, sixty-two-year-old  contractor,  Cullen had  murdered  his wife  and  stepson  the previous  day.  As the  mob  hauled  Cullen  to  a bridge  over  the Cedar  River, Frank Roper, a Salvation Army officer,  interceded to say  a prayer  for  Cullen  over the vehement protests  of  some of  the less patient  members  of the mob. Cullen, at Roper's  in-sistence, offered  a prayer  of his own and then reiterated that he had  acted  in  self-defense.  Rejecting  a suggestion  from  some of the lynchers who wished to fill Cullen's body with bullets, one of the ringleaders insisted that a simple hanging would  suffice. Approximately five hundred residents of Charles City, including women and children, witnessed Cullen's hanging from the Main Street  bridge  at  11:30  p.m.  Then  the  mob  quickly  departed, leaving  Cullen's  lifeless  body  as  a  solitary  reminder  of  the traumatic  events  of  the previous  48 hours.

It wasn't just "black people" who got lynched, you dumb fucks.

Democrats, via their terrorist group the KKK, lynched a lot of White Republicans after the Civil War.

Where is Beto these days?  Is he in asterisk territory with the polls?  He wants to outlaw all guns and use the police to show up and confiscate them and shoot you if you don't comply.  What a lunatic.

Zachary Oral Smith only wrote this as an attempt to trash President Trump and accuse him of "racism" or whatever when none exists.  It's fucking insanity.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Press-Citizen's Aimee Breaux Fails To Mention A Few Negative Things About Departing UI VP For Racism and Bigotry Melissa Shivers

Archive link: http://archive.is/LrriJ

Melissa Shivers, the $284,000 a year Vice President of Racism and Bigotry at the University of Iowa, is leaving for another similar job at THE Ohio State University.  Good riddance you corrupt, piece of shit.  You belong in prison.

Even with all the recent news about the scandal involving Shivers being one of three parties who is personally liable in a lawsuit involving the institutional hating of a Christian student organization at the University of Iowa, Aimee Breaux doesn't mention it at all in her hagiography of a story in the Press-Citizen.

We all know Aimee Breaux is a propagandist.  She's just another Gannett cocksucking whore masquerading as a "reporter".

Why would THE Ohio State University hire somebody as crooked as Shivers?  That's because every university is run by crooks and thieves, and pays them way too much.

Where are the reporters who should be trying to find corruption in public schools and universities and rooting it out?  They are nowhere.  They are on the sidelines, cheerleading fat cunt bigots like Melissa Shivers because of her anti-Christian bias.  It's disgusting.

Des Moines Register's Tyler Jett Keeps Slurring Carson King as a "Racist"

Archive link:  http://archive.is/sCFvW

The Des Moines Register's Tyler Jett can't stop slurring Carson King as a "racist".

Neither can executive editor Carol "Cunter" Hunter.


Today's entry in the never-ending trashing of Carson King comes in the form of a hit piece against former RAGBRAI organizer T.J. Juskiewicz. 

It's a wannbe hit piece.  Juskiewicz openly mentions that he had told multiple bosses at the Register about what he was doing.

Juskiewicz's statement about all the various bosses he had, and their locations around the US, demonstrate what an incredibly messy and toxic environment the Register / Gannett had become.

9 paragraphs into the story is this:
In a statement posted Oct. 14 to RAGBRAI's social media accounts, Juskiewicz said he was splitting with RAGBRAI over the Register's coverage of racist tweets that Carson King, an Iowa State University football fan who raised about $3 million for the University of Iowa's children's hospital, wrote as a high school student.
Carol Hunter is such a vindictive cunt.

Cunter and the rest of the fucking asshole "journalists" around Iowa are always going to remind you that Carson King was a "racist", even though he's not.

They've dug the hole and they're not moving.

They refuse to acknowledge that Aaron Calvin's hit piece on Carson King was wrong and ethically fucked up.  Nearly 100% of people commenting hated what the Register did.  There was no need to prowl around Twitter and "expose" stupid teenage tweets lacking context.  All that was beyond the scope of what Carson King did by starting that Children's Hospital charity.  There was no need to tattle to Anheuser-Busch behind King's back.  There's no need to strut around acting like a big shot because you tried to ruin somebody who did a good thing for sick kids.

Today's "journalists" are scumbags.  They all have less integrity and ethics than child molesters.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Meet Joe Mitchell, the Dumbest 22 Year Old in the Iowa Statehouse

Non-Archive link:  https://globegazette.com/iowa-lawmakers-propose-college-athletes-be-paid/article_16c5d174-089f-58a6-b873-929776d69831.html

I don't know what's crazier:  Iowa has a 22 year old in the Iowa Statehouse (Republican Joe Mitchell from Mount Pleasant), or that Mitchell's in favor of allowing collegiate student-athletes to make money.

The story, written by James Q. Lynch (taking time off from putting his name on Kamala Harris puff pieces), is all-in for cheerleading one of the stupidest ideas ever.

Oh, the burden of being a student-athlete!

They signed up for that.

Which student-athletes on scholarship are eating ramen noodles?

Full ride athletes get scholarships that cover everything:  tuition, room, board, books, etc.  Those who get a partial, get a partial.  If you have loans, that's your business.

Joe Mitchell, you dumb fuck, why don't you think this through a little more?

Oh, if only they could sign autographs at the car dealership for a fee!

Can you imagine where this leads?

  • Everybody is resentful of the one "student-athlete" who is either raking in the cash or is trying to look like he (and it will likely all be guys) is raking in cash.  Showing off cash on Instagram.  His new car gets keyed.  Pictures of his posse at strip clubs.  Busted for alcohol and weed.  Thefts from his expensive apartment.
  • There will be payments "under the table".  Guaranteed.
  • There will income tax crimes happening.  Guaranteed.
  • The angry kid on the practice squad who decides to take out "Mr Money".
  • What happens when the kid busts his ankle or knee for the last time?  Bye bye!
  • The lesbians will be angry that the men are making all the money.  Cue the Commie cunts at the Des Moines Register and the Cedar Rapids Gazette calling for more "fairness" and to "share the wealth".

This is a disaster in the making.

What a great idea!  Let's look to California for stupid ideas.

What's next, Iowa legislature?  A ban on plastic straws?  Forced power outages?  Homeless nuts and needles and shit everywhere?  Fuck you.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Mollie Tibbetts Murder Case Almost Sounds Like a Repeat of the Pamela Powers Murder Case

Non-Archive link:  https://www.kcci.com/article/state-agrees-to-suppress-some-information-in-mollie-tibbetts-trial/29518367#

That illegal who murdered Mollie Tibbetts is going to have some statements thrown out because of alleged improper Mirandizing and other bullshit.

I'm sure we'll be treated to a decade or more of appeals litigation, because the pro-illegal, pro-criminal, and anti-victim attorneys, judges, and injustices, along with their komrades in the corporate media, will string it out forever to hurt families, the public, and ruin the "justice" system.

I can only hope that Cristhian Bahena Rivera ends up dying in prison like Robert Anthony Williams.

Who was Robert Anthony Williams?

Williams was the murderer of Pamela Powers, in Des Moines, in 1968.  That case dragged on for nearly a decade and ended up in the United States Supreme Court in Brewer v. Williams.  If you're not familiar with the case, it's an important part of Iowa history and Miranda legal history, and it was narrowly decided.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Cedar Rapids Gazette's Brian Morelli Thinks Carson King is the Problem

Archive link:  http://archive.is/3YDea

Brian Morelli (brian.morelli@thegazette.com) of the Cedar Rapids Gazette wrote this:

The entire RAGBRAI staff of four, who were Des Moines Register employees, resigned in protest of their inability to speak freely about the Carson King controversy and be seen as autonomous from the newspaper, which was receiving public ridicule over the King scandal that was spilling over to RAGBRAI. 

It's not the "Carson King controversy".

It's not the "King scandal".

It's the Aaron Calvin / Carol Hunter / Des Moines Register "controversy" and "scandal", you dumb fucking piece of shit, Brian Morelli.

It's uproar over the Shitty Journalism of 2019.

It's uproar over unnecessary corporate cancel culture and endlessly slurring somebody as a "racist".

Brian Morelli doesn't get it.  Neither does Vanessa Miller, Adam Sullivan, Tyler Jett, or seemingly any other corporate "journalist" in writing in the state of Iowa.

I hope they get sued.

What a bunch of assholes.

It's time to destroy what's left of their newspapers and make all of them unemployed.

What horrible, rotten people we have working for the media today.

If You Support RAGBRAI, You Support Shitty Evil Irresponsible Corporate "Journalism" That Slurs People Forever

Archive link:  http://archive.is/yrALc

The Des Moines Register's Tyler Jett is the latest asshole "journalist" who cannot resist to slurring Carson King as a "racist" in an article.  It's in the 22nd paragraph of Jett's article on the RAGBRAI / Iowa Ride situation.

Aaron Calvin, unethical smug asshole
This is what happens when a little fucking asshole like Aaron Calvin decides that "cancel culture" is more important than ethics.

Carol "Cunter" Hunter, unethical and downright evil
This is what happens when a cunt like Carol Hunter stands by an article that nearly 100% of Iowans and other readers across the country hated seeing because of the unnecessary inclusion of "cancel culture".

Let me remind you that Aaron Calvin and Carol Hunter did NOT need to include anything about Carson King's old dumb teenage tweets that nobody saw back in the day.  Doing it was completely unnecessary to the story about King's charity.  Then going behind King's back and tattling on him to Anheuser-Busch about his teenage joke tweets was nothing short of reprehensible.  The Register could have advised King to clean that stuff up and kept their mouths shut.  After all, this was about King accidentally raising money for a children's hospital charity.  After publication, it became about what a shit show modern day "journalism" has become.

Today, you have every "journalist" piling on and repeating the line about King's old teenage tweets being "racist".  They have given themselves the license to slur Carson King as a "racist" for the rest of his life, and without any proof of what he said, nor an explanation of the context.

I think Carson King should sue the Des Moines Register, the Cedar Rapids Gazette, Aaron Calvin, Carol Hunter, Vanessa Miller, Brian Morelli, and Adam Sullivan for constantly referring to him as "racist".  Carson King is clearly NOT racist!!!!

I hate modern day "journalists".

They are fucking awful people.



They are sick in the head.

They are all several steps below that of child molesters, in my opinion. 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cedar Rapids Gazette's Vanessa Miller Tries to Figure Out Legal Dirt on the Iowa Ride Creators

Archive link:  http://archive.is/wBHsx

Look at the way Vanessa "I'm a Cunt" Miller approaches the story of the RAGBRAI people who jumped ship after the Aaron Calvin/Carol "Cunter" Hunter hit piece on Carson King and the Des Moines Register's hiring of some PR assholes from New York City.

Vanessa Miller is such an industry whore that she is trying to figure out all the legal angles the Register has against T.J. Juskiewicz and his staff.

Miller runs to UI Law Professors Robert T Miller and Jason Rantanen to pick their brains about Gannett's potential challenges to the new event, or conflicts of interest in the days prior to Juskiewicz and staff resigning.

The article also gives Vanessa Miller the opportunity to, yet again, slag Carson King off as a "racist" without providing examples of the old teenage joke tweets or the context in which they were written. 

We've warned the world before (once / twice) that "reporters" outside of the Des Moines Register will do this as long as they can get away with it.

Vanessa Miller keeps doing this because she is a mean cunt with zero ethics.

Nobody from the Cedar Rapids Gazette has been critical of the Des Moines Register over the hit piece on Carson King.  Nobody has been critical of Aaron Calvin's years of tweets in a similar way.  They're only going to prey on Carson King because "reporters" these days are several notches below that of child molesters in terms of evil.

Which means that Vanessa "I'm a Cunt" Miller, Adam "Fake conservative" Sullivan, and everybody else working for the Cedar Rapids Gazette would be more than happy to dig through your past and slur you as a "racist" forever over whatever they deem is fitting for their terms. 

What Carson King should be doing is looking into legal action against the Vanessa Millers and Brian Morellis of the media.  Enough!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cedar Rapids Gazette's Vanessa Miller and Brian Morelli Keep Calling Carson King a Racist

Vanessa Miller is a Cunt
Archive link:  http://archive.is/GuEHl

These fucking "reporters" never quit, do they?

I told you that after the Aaron Calvin hit piece was published in the Des Moines Register on Carson King that this would give unethical scumbag "reporters" everywhere the license to constantly slur Carson King as a "racist" forever.

And here we go again.  Vanessa Miller and BA Morelli have an article in the Cedar Rapids Gazette that was republished in the Quad City Times mentioning the "racist" slur in an article about the RAGBRAI staff all quitting.

Brian Morelli is a Fucking Asshole

Did Vanessa Miller and Brian Morelli (and Adam Sullivan and others) not notice that the Des Moines Register is committing business suicide over that Carson King hit piece?

The Register had 100% angry feedback at Carol "Cunter" Hunter after she tried to "newsplain" her insane position to publish that hit piece.

Now the Register has hired some New York-based PR firm to "handle" the crisis, which has only made it worse by T.J. Juskiewicz and his staff quitting RAGBRAI due to all the 'spin' they were required to perform.

Cedar Rapids Gazette or Quad City Times, how would you like that to happen to your newspaper?  Oh, look, "reporters" are still calling that nice guy who raised millions for the children's hospital a "racist" because of some dumb joke tweets he made when he was a teenager that nobody saw back then.  Fuck you, Vanessa Miller.  Fuck you, Brian Morelli.  Fuck you Adam Sullivan.  Fuck all of you.  You are as bad, or worse, than Aaron Calvin and Carol "Cunter" Hunter.

Des Moines Register's Courtney Crowder Doesn't Mention Why the RAGBRAI Marketing Team Quit Until the 13th Paragraph

All of the Des Moines Register's "marketing team" for RAGBRAI resigned Tuesday because Carol "Cunter" Hunter won't allow any internal discussion over her handling of the Carson King hit piece. (non-archived link to KTIV)

You'd never know it if you only skimmed the Register's story (non-archived link) on the matter, by Courtney "I'm a Corporate Tool from NYU" Crowder, who doesn't mention the reason until the 13th paragraph, and then quickly runs away.

I'm not surprised.  Even the Cedar Rapids Gazette's Adam "Fake Conservative" Sullivan and Vanessa "I'm a Cunt" Miller refused to trash the Register over a situation where nearly 100% of the readers of the hit piece were pissed off by it.

It just shows that the Iowa Corporate Media is entirely staffed by a bunch of arrogant assholes.  

Don't forget who owns the Des Moines Register.  A bunch of white guys from somewhere else and a billionaire Jap.

I could care less about RAGBRAI, the Register's Bike Ride for Drunk Assholes Who Will Shit In Your Lawn.  I'm sure they'll hire some desperate assholes who will do the job even more poorly than the previous crew.

Julia Shanahan of the Daily Iowan Writes "Climate Change" Bullshit and Propaganda

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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Next Time the Iowa Media Does This

The next time the Iowa media outlets fail to investigate a (Democrat) politician, their staff, or some employee for corruption or some sort of scandal, or maybe a Democrat politician has a "plant" in a public forum to ask specific questions, keep this in mind:

"He didn't hold up a sign soliciting beer money on TV and subsequently pledge to donate that money to a children's hospital, so they had no reason to dig too deeply into his past..."

Yes, that's right.

And these two observations are also correct in this day and age of media bias:

Monday, October 14, 2019

Iowa Media Ignores Vote by Democrats Cindy Axne, Abby Finkenauer, and Dave Loebsack to Destroy American Tech Worker Jobs

If anybody ever says that Democrats are for "working people", it's a lie.  Point them to the Roll Call vote on July 10, 2019 for HR 1044, the "Let Indians and Other Foreigners Take Away High Paying American Jobs Act", and you'll see that Democrats Cindy Axne, Abby Finkenauer, and Dave Loebsack, all voted to sell out American tech works to low-wage foreigners and H-1B visa holders.  What a bunch of fucking scumbags.

Steve King, doing something right for once
Steve King voted against it.  Good for him!  I've never been a Steve King fan, but I'm starting to warm up to that nut.

Dan Culhane, Ames Iowa Chamber of Commerce CEO
Has the Iowa media mentioned anything about the vote?  Searches of the Des Moines Register shows two mentions of the "Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019".  One was a pro-bill opinion piece (archive link) by Anti-American Corporate Whore Dan Culhane, the President and CEO of the Ames Chamber of Commerce.  Culhane mentions that lunatic cunt Joni Ernst is in favor of the bill in the Senate.  That's because Joni Ernst is a fucking whore swamp creature who needs to be primaried by another Republican.  Joni Ernst is awful.  Send that crazy bitch packing.

Joni "The Pig" Ernst
Culhane makes no mention of how Cindy Axne, Abby Finkenauer, and Dave Loebsack voted.  Nor have any other articles in the Register that I know of.

Same goes for the Cedar Rapids Gazette.

Don't tell the voters what their Representatives are voting on.

The other article in the Register was a USA Today piece by Grace Hauck that covered a rally in Chicago on Friday, October 11, 2019, concerning the bill in the Senate (archive link).  It's mostly propaganda in favor of letting in more foreigners.

I usually hate Illinois Dicks
But in the article, it mentions that Dick Durban, the Democrat Senator from Illinois, stalled the bill.  Good for him.  I don't know if his intentions are pro-American worker.  They usually aren't.  But I'll give that Illinois crook credit for doing what he did - for now.

Abbe Finkenauer (right) and you all know AOC (far far left)
Meanwhile, you have Abbe Finkenauer, going on and on about "Iowa Working Families" and endlessly yammering about how she grew up in a "blue collar family", and then she turns around and goes to Washington DC and bends over and lets Big Tech and the Chamber of Commerce fuck the American worker in the ass without any lube.  What a loser.

Democrats in Iowa hate American workers
Cindy Axne, back in March 2019 (archive link) was complaining about Wells Fargo outsourcing jobs to foreign countries, and laying off 400 in the Des Moines area.  Then that two-faced cunt turns around and votes to allow big companies to outsource even more jobs to foreign workers!  WHAT A CUNT.  Cindy Acne is a a fraud.  Send her packing along with Joni Ernst and Abbe Finkenfraud.

As for Dave Loebsackofshit, he's gone soon.  I'm sure his Democrat replacement will be similarly principled.  Perhaps Republican Marionette Miller-Meeks will run and lose for the 14th time because she's a shit candidate nobody likes.

I can't believe that I'm supporting STEVE KING and DICK TURBAN, much less on the same issue.  For now, anyway.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Iowa Newspapers Won't Criticize the Des Moines Register Over the Carson King Hit Piece

This post was created from a tip by a reader.  Email your tips to iowafakenews@gmail.com

So what happened after the whole Carson King / Aaron Calvin / Carol "Cunter" Hunter atrocity occurred because Aaron Calvin's "hit piece" on Carson King in the Des Moines Register?

Carol "Cunter" Hunter tried to "Newsplain" her position on approving the digging of old, forgotten teenage dirt on Carson King that was entirely unrelated to the good things he's doing today, and then tattling on him to Anheuser-Busch, and then writing a drive-by hit piece that everybody was pissed off about.  Carol Hunter is a CUNT.  She is evil.  She is what's wrong with modern "journalism".  This click-bait, muckraking bullshit "cancel culture" we see today.

Over at the Cedar Rapids Gazette, I missed a couple of articles and columns about the situation, but they do a good job of illustrating what a bunch of fucking assholes and cunts Adam Sullivan, Vanessa Miller, and, hell, all "journalists" are these days.

Short answer:  By not criticizing Aaron Calvin's hit piece on Carson King, or Carol "Cunter" Hunter's "newsplaining", where in the comments basically everybody was angry at Aaron Calvin and Carol "Cunter" Hunter, it seems that "journalists" across the State of Iowa LOOK FAVORABLY at what happened.  THEY FUCKING AGREE with Aaron Calvin digging up unnecessary dirt on Carson King, tattling on him to Anheuser-Busch, and then making excuses for being a bunch of fucking pricks.

Remember...... Carson King's charity was for the CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL.  These fucking assholes in the media were TRYING TO DESTROY IT and CARSON KING.

Let's start off with Adam Sullivan, from the Cedar Rancid Gazette, who claims to be a "conservative", but in reality he's a fucking fraud, a liar, a charlatan, and a phony.

If you look in his opinion piece, published on September 26, 2019 (archive link), you'll see that he tries to compare the Carson King story to that of Kirkwood professor Jeff Klizman, which I'll get to in a minute.

In both the Adam Sullivan piece, and the Vanessa Miller article I'll soon profile, both of these fucking assholes front-load their writing with how Carson King's old Tweets were "racist", but without quoting them or referencing the context.  Those of us with brains in our heads know that quoting and providing context are kind of important.  Just tar somebody forever with the "racist" brush, Adam & Vanessa.  Now, in the future, every time you write an article about Carson King, or his charity, you can drop in the "racist Tweets" angle.  That's because you're a fucking piece of shit.

As the person who sent me these articles pointed out:  How hard would it have been for Aaron Calvin or Carol "Cunter" Hunter to quietly mention the old tweets to Carson King and give him time to clean that stupid shit up?  And to not tattle on him to Anheuser-Busch.  And to not put that bullshit in the article.  HOW HARD WOULD THAT HAVE BEEN?  IT WAS A FUCKING CHARITY FOR THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL IN IOWA CITY.  I'm sure the news media look at all the negative publicity and reaction and thinks it's a good thing that people were upset and donated more money to Carson King's charity, and no doubt they'll try to take credit for it.  Fucking arrogant assholes.

Back to Sullivan's mention of Jeff Klinzman (Klinzman search on this blog).  Sullivan says that Klinzman was fired for his "leftist political views", and that's it.  Adam Sullivan makes no mention that Jeff Klinzman WANTED GENOCIDE AGAINST ALL CHRISTIANS and to "BURY THEM DEEP" as well as committing violence against President Trump.

So, to a fake conservative like Adam Sullivan, stupid jokes you wrote on Twitter as a 16 year old are "racist", and thus it seems Sullivan and other "reporters" will be able to slur Carson King as a "racist" his entire life and probably after he dies.  But if, as an adult, you advocate genocide against Christians, and want to kill or cause violence to President Trump, you're merely guilty of having "leftist political views".

Meanwhile, Vanessa Miller had an article published in the Cedar Rancid Gazette on September 29, 2019 (archive link) where, like Adam Sullivan, she front loads it by slurring Carson King as a "racist"  without examples or context, and mentions nothing about the ethics of the Aaron Calvin story of the Carol "Cunter" Hunter newsplaining followup.

Sure, Miller runs to ISU journalism professor Michael Bugeja, or cribs from Bugeja's blog and a podcast he was on, but Bugeja and Miller simply dance around the issue.  Mostly, they refer to Aaron Calvin's past (and fairly recent) tweets as "racist" and "obscene".

What is the barometer for being slurred with being a "racist" these days, Vanessa?  Merely using the word "NIGGA" or "NIGGER" as a white person in a humorous way?  THAT'S "racist"?  REALLY?  Shut up, you fat cunt.

As much as I despise Aaron Calvin's reporting, his tweets never rose to the level of being "racist", in my opinion.  Merely dropping "nigga" or "nigger" isn't enough.  If anything, most of them were gay jokes, and yet there's no mention of his tweets being "homophobic" or "anti-cop".

Worst of all, Vanessa Miller through Michael Bugeja, seem to be the kind of people who blame the rape victim because her skirt was too high above the knee.  

It's like they're saying:  "If you hadn't posted that stupid shit as a kid, we wouldn't be able to harass you for the rest of life as a 'racist'."  No talk about how that shit was not needed in the article.  No talk about how they should have alerted Carson King.  No talk about how the Register shouldn't have tattled on King to Anheuser-Busch.  No talk condemning Carol Hunter for her news-plaining.


Because Adam Sullivan and Vanessa Miller and pretty much every other "reporter" working for a large corporate newspaper in the state of Iowa would do the very same thing as Aaron Calvin and Carol "Cunter" Hunter.

These people are malcontents.  They're evil.  They're deplorable.  They're fucking scumbags.  They're assholes.  They're cunts.





Do not talk to "the media" ever.

Don't subscribe to newspapers.

Don't watch the evening news.

Don't watch any of the corporate alphabets.

"Reporters" these days are several notches below that of child molesters.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Cindy Axne is so Stupid, She Thinks Trump Should Be Impeached Over the Ukraine Hoax

Archive link:  http://archive.is/OMRXZ or https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2019/10/10/cindy-axne-democrat-impeachment-inquiry-donald-trump-rowdy-town-hall/3938012002/

Cindy Axne is a fucking idiot by saying that Trump should be impeached over the Ukraine hoax thing.

Trump is "interfering with elections"?

Trump is "obstructing the investigation"?

Fuck off, you dumb cunt.

Hunter Biden is an admitted CRACKHEAD, coke head, alcoholic, and more.  For decades!  He has no experience in oil and gas.

All those worthless kids from the swamp are over there, scamming companies.  John Kerry's step-son.  Mitt's kid.  Others.

Whoever the Republican is for 2020, please kick her ass in the general election.  Cindy Acne needs to be humiliated.

It's good to hear that Republicans are getting out and shoving it back in her face.  There should be 1000 Republicans there, not 20.

Let's not forget that the writer of this article, Steven Gruber-Miller, is a complete fraud who wrote the Press-Citizen variant of the "hate note" (hoax) story from Iowa City after the 2016 election.  He cannot be trusted.  Never give your name to somebody like Steven Gruber-Miller, or any reporter.  Don't let them name you after they quote you, unless you want a hit piece written about you like what happened to Carson King.

Adam Sullivan of the Cedar Rapids Gazette Thinks Iowa Needs Newspapers

Archive link:  http://archive.is/wj0DT

Dear Adam Sullivan of the Cedar Rapids Gazette,

Iowa doesn't need newspapers if all they're going to do is:

And I could go on all day with examples.

Most "reporters", especially at the larger newspapers, are not from Iowa.  They're interlopers.  They're from somewhere else.  They're put here to cause trouble.  

Sure, the Gazette is allegedly "employee owned", but it's still part of a media conglomerate.

You think the Gazette is ever going write about the deceptive business practices of certain car dealers in Cedar Rapids?  No way.  They'd rather push shit like Lyz Lenz.

City newspapers need to die.  They're all staffed and run by people who are malcontents, who hate anybody who doesn't vote straight party Democrat, and who doesn't believe the latest conspiracy theories pushed by Rachel Maddow or Lawrence O'Donnell or Chris Cuomo.

Who wants to read that crap?  It's all negative and divisive.

As long as they exist, they should be criticized heavily.  

Unless you want to change your ways, Iowa newspapers.

I don't think you can.  

You just keep doubling down.

Your industry deserves to die.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Lyz Lenz of the Cedar Rapids Gazette is a Cunt

Archive link:  http://archive.is/OSBOA

Yes, Lez, or whatever your name is, it's stupid for the Waterloo teacher to have posted something on Facebook about "Don't have my sniper rifle" about Climate Hoaxer Greta Thunberg's visit to Iowa City.

I would have gone with something more simpler:  GRETA THUNBERG IS A CUNT

And you "journalists" who uncritically venerate Greta's trained seal bullshit "the sky is falling" act are a bunch of fucking cunts, too.

Is Greta Thunberg the cunt a climate scientist?


Have any of the dire predictions made by Greta's komrades over the past 50 or 60 years come true?


So then why are mouthy racist cunts like Lez Lenz showing up to lick Greta's asshole?

Beats me.

Maybe because they're all pervs who want to legally fuck children?

Or maybe just fuck with children.

Cunts like Lez Lenz want children freaked out about the weather, hating Orange Man Bad, hating their whiteness, and being unsure of what's between their legs.  Whatever happens, they must be manipulated by the teen sexting perverts and "cheese pizza" eaters in the Hillary Clinton non-administration.  Only Democrats can save the world from sinners!

In the end, Lez Lenz mentions that the Kirkwood Community College guy who got canned, Jeff Klinzman, "belonged to an Antifa group on Facebook", as if the guy was persecuted for nothing, while totally omitting all the other shit Klinzman said, like wanting to "KILL ALL CHRISTIANS AND BURY THEM DEEP".

Oh yeah, that's nothing.

Fuck you , Lyz Lenz.  You are a FAKE NEWS cunt.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Zachary Oren Smith and Aimee Breaux of the Iowa City Press Citizen Are Propagandists For Brainwashed Children


Archive link:

These two fucking whores, aka "Presstitutes", write for the Iowa City Press-Shitstain, pumping out the corporate globalist propaganda with a smile on their face.

They wrote a bunch of articles about Greta Thunberg coming to Iowa City.

There's nothing about how Greta Thunberg is a 16 year old, autistic, trained seal actor, and who goes out performing every night for her Commie parents and the sex offender-filled media.

Is Greta Thunberg a scientist?  No.

She isn't even a "scientist" that has faked data, like so many have.

She's just a brainwashed kid.

Who is being abused.

Have any of her dire predictions, like those of local Commie-tard Massimo Paciotto-Biggers, ever come true?  Absolutely not.  They never will.  It's total bullshit.  He's being pumped full of lies by his Commie father.

So why are these two fucking assholes, Aimee Breaux and Zachary Oren Smith, along with the whole of the Iowa City Press-Citizen / Des Moines Register / Gannett / GateHouse Media / Fortress Investment Group / SoftBank Group, promoting these lies, this FAKE NEWS, so much?

Notice how these "local" reporters (Aimee Breaux went to school at Texas A&M.  Zachary Oral Smith is from Mississippi.  Like almost all Gannett bots, they're interlopers into a community.) don't bother to look into the backgrounds of the event, who is putting it on, or whether any of their predictions have any basis in reality.

Aimee Breaux and Zachary Oral Smith just automatically assume everything these children are saying is real.

It's not.  It's propaganda.  It's lies.

And what you create, based on that, is FAKE NEWS.

Kind of like this: