Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Jaylen Cavil is a Moron Stalker and a Liar from Kansas

Archive link:  http://archive.vn/9V4vq

Longtime resident of Olathe, Kansas, and stalker Jaylen Cavil (who is half-white, but very Red) proved that Black Lies Matter by standing in front of Gov Kim Reynolds' motorcade in Ackley and getting bumped a little.

The lie is naturally written in the Des Moines Register by "hate note hoax" promoter Stephen Gruber-Miller.

A group of about two dozen Des Moines Black Lives Matter activists showed up to Reynolds' public events in Steamboat Rock and Ackley, each about 90 miles from Des Moines, on Tuesday to urge her to immediately sign an executive order restoring voting rights to people with felony convictions who have completed their sentences. Reynolds has said she will sign the order but not immediately.

The activists were not allowed into Reynolds' events, which were held on private property, so a group of them stood in the driveway of Family Traditions Meat in Ackley to block Reynolds from driving away.

Jaylen Cavil, an organizer with Des Moines Black Lives Matter, said he was standing in the driveway hoping that Reynolds would roll down the window of the vehicle and speak to them.

"The SUV that Gov. Reynolds was driving in drove right up to me. I was standing right in front of the car and I just stood there. I was like, 'I’m going to stand here. Surely the driver of the governor is not going to hit me with her car. This is the governor, my governor, who’s supposed to be representing me. I’m sure that her car is not going to intentionally hit me.' I was wrong," he said.

Cavil said he was not injured, but it was shocking when the vehicle hit him. He said the impact spun him around and lifted him slightly onto the hood of the vehicle.

Play stupid games.  Win stupid prizes.

Too bad you didn't get run over, asshole.

Although Cavil's "accident" sounds a lot like domestic abuser Desean Holman's tall tale to the newspaper in Iowa City just a few days ago.

Remember, black LIES matter.

Cavil is a regular stalker of Gov Reynolds and a recent big mouth around Des Moines, and who seems to be working as the Senior Deputy Political Something or Other for Democrat Eddie Mauro.

It wasn't that long ago when Cavil was driving up to Des Moines from his pool boy job in Olathe to get all excited and hard at seeing Bernie Sanders at the Iowa State Fair (archive link).

Eddie Mauro hired a half-black pool boy from Olathe to stalk Governor Kim Reynolds?

I guess there weren't many jobs available writing for newspapers, as Cavil seems to be a journalism major while at the University of Kansas.

Too bad the Des Moines Register didn't hire him, but the Register mostly has a "Whites Only" attitude about hiring.  That newspaper has been systematically racist as long as I can remember, with rare exceptions like Jew-hater Rekha Basu.  But that's Democrats for you.

So here we go again.  Another Commie interloper from somewhere else causing trouble in Iowa, courtesy of the Democratic Party and promoted by the lying Gannett Newspapers and Gatehouse Media.

We're going to have to do a post on all the black and semi-black and bisexual black agitators from Somewhere Else who have come to Iowa to stir up hate in-person and in the media.  There seems to be a lot of them.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Black Lies Matter Barely Gets 30 Fatties and at Least One Domestic Abuser in Coralville

Archive link:  http://archive.vn/BMq6B

Black Lies Matter had a "protest" in Coralville on Saturday, and the local pigs let them shut down Highway 6 by having all these fatties spread out.

If the cops can't keep a handful of fat fucks out of Highway 6, then why bother paying their salaries?

The lead loudmouth fatty, Krystal Gray-Roberts, is originally from Fort Worth, Texas.

One dumbass "G", a domestic abuser, got tapped by a car:

While no one was hurt, one protester, Desean Holman, 27, was towards the back of the group as they marched westbound on 2nd Street towards the regroup spot at Morrison Park. A blue car approached from behind.

"It pulled up going kind of fast so I stopped in front of it to make sure that they stopped or at least slowed down," Holman said. "Well, they didn't stop. They hit me."

Holman said he wasn't injured. The front of the vehicle pushed him without injury. He said he jumped onto the vehicle as it continued to move forward. Holman claimed that the driver tried to throw him off by accelerating and stopping short.

"They threw me off the car, but I landed on my feet because I'm a G, you know what I'm saying," he said with a laugh.

While Holman let the incident roll off his back, he said things were heated as the driver laid on the horn. Holman, a Black man originally from Houston, Texas, said he was carrying not just his pain, but his family's.

"I had the blessing of being raised by my great grandmother. I have her pain, too. And it's like with what I know and with what I see and what I've been through, I can no longer subscribe to any of this," he said. "I have to stand up and fight against it."

What are you fighting against in Coralville, Iowa, Desean?  Your right to domestically abuse women?

Did you also notice that the writer of this propaganda piece, Zachary Oren Smith, spelled the word "Black" with a capital B?  I did.

That's the latest bullshit trend from the Associated Press in the past 10 days, which seems to have originated with some student newspaper (archive link).

So they're "Black" now?  Not "black"?  Not "Youths"?  Not "African American"?  Not "colored"?  Not "Negro"?

Yes, going along with some latest bullshit trend sure makes White Libtards feel empowered, like they're doing something for their Black Pets.

All "Black" people must be treated the same by their whitey masters and uppity black masters.  Keep them on the Democrat Plantation and voting many times for Creepy Joe.

Because Zachary Oren Smith is a dumbass invader and an interloper, he didn't know that the last person lynched in Iowa was white.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Maybe Johnson County Democrats Shouldn't Have Allowed Riots To Occur

Riot-friendly Iowa City Press-Citizen "Reporter" Hillary Ojeda

Archive link:  http://archive.vn/GAhHl

Check out this steaming pile of bullshit propaganda by the Press Shitstain's Hillary Ojeda where Suresh "Karan" Gunasekaran, the CEO of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, along with Dave Koch, Director of Johnson County Public Health, are blaming everybody who isn't wearing a mask for the increase in the number of people who allegedly test positive for COVID in Johnson County.

I don't believe this bullshit for a second.  If most of the people allegedly testing positive are young then we should have an idea through interviews and contract tracing where people could have gotten the virus from.

How many of these allegedly "positive" people are sick to the point of hospitalization?  Anybody die?  Have they been tested once or multiple times?

Meanwhile, it was OK for thousands of white commies and black lies matter assholes to protest and riot and vandalize parts of Iowa City and Coralville.

Suddenly, Dave Koch wants everybody in Johnson County to wear a face diaper.  He didn't have that opinion about masks at the end of March in a press release PDF.

Did Dave Koch issue a press release on the riots?

Koch was quoted in the Des Moines Register on June 7th in a story by Barbara Rodriguez headlined "Protests increase concerns of virus:  But it will take weeks to know of more cases":

Iowa public health officials had already been tracking coronavirus cases for any increases after Gov. Kim Reynolds allowed businesses to reopen with capacity restrictions. Bars reopened on May 28, and youth sports resumed on June 1. The protests in Des Moines began in late May.

"I think there is a concern, in the public health community, that there could be a spike here, just like we would have a concern as the governor lifts restrictions," said Dave Koch, director of the Johnson County Public Health Department. "... We're just watching it very carefully."

Now, suddenly, the Iowa media is silent about the rise in allegedly positive cases and the riots.  It helps to have riot encouragers like Hillary Ojeda writing the story.  Put the idea of riots and vandalism in the memory hole.  Blame it on restaurants and people not wearing a stupid mask.

Millions were supposed to die, and it didn't happen.

Hospitals were going to be overwhelmed, and it didn't happen.

The virus was supposed to hang around for days on surfaces, and that turned out to be bullshit.

Close the schools!

Lock everything down!

Close all small businesses!

Dr Austin Baeth.  The smell of Weimar is in the air.

You get "doctors" like commie Austin Baeth in Des Moines who only want shutdowns but never talk about drugs like HCQ even though Baeth has been to foreign countries with malaria patients.

We're being lied to by the Democrats and their willing komrades in the media.

Cedar Rapids Gazette's Brooklyn Draisey: Businesses are to blame for the Johnson County "spike", not riots

Brooklyn Draisey and her "Manson Girl" good looks

Archive link:  http://archive.vn/0tCE2

Brooklyn Draisey, who used to write for the Daily Idiot, and is now with the Cedar Rancid Gazette, and who looks like a Manson Girl, writes a story about how some bars and restaurants are closing in Johnson County because of a "spike" in allegedly positive COVID cases. 

A "spike" being about 50 allegedly positive cases in a day in a county of over 150,000 people.

These aren't even people who are being hospitalized or dying.  They're just people who got tested and are allegedly positive.  Most are allegedly young.

There's no mention in Brooklyn's propaganda piece of the recent "protests" and vandalism and terrorism going on in the Iowa City area by the Black Lies Matter criminals and miscreants.  Oh no no no, she and the Gazette want to memory-hole that.

Brooklyn spent her time at the University of Iowa writing for the Daily Idiot when Wylliam Smith was getting his "black supremacy" and "blacks should be separate" columns published.

If you look back at some of Brooklyn's articles for the Daily Iowan, you'll discover that her second story published was concerning the Democratic Socialists of America (archive link). 

She, or it, got on the newspaper staff and immediately started cranking out the Commie agit-prop.  Because that's who she is.  And that's why she was hired at the Cedar Rapids Gazette, because she's a reliable, America-hating Commie cunt who looks like she's one of Charlie Manson's girls.

Iowa Media Outlets Already Promoting the Althea Bernstein Police Report in Madison Wisconsin as Automatically True

"I figured it was going to be a white guy between 25 and 55 because they’re the root of most evil." 

- Ann Rhodes, University of Iowa

The Bubba Wallace "noosecar" hoax is barely done and here comes another one.

So far, at least KCCI via the Associated Press (archive link) and the Iowa City Press Citizen (archive link) have reprinted the Althea Bernstein story as if it's really going to be true.

4 white guys in MADISON, WISCONSIN supposedly yelled racial epithets at her at 1am and threw lighter fluid at her and threw a lighter at her.

Where the Zippo?  Bic lighters don't stay lit when untouched.

In Madison?  Hardcore lefty Madison?



Lujayn and Raneem Hamad lied about a "hate note" left on their door in Iowa City in 2016.  The local Democrat police and media circled the wagons to protect them from what was an obvious hoax.

Marcus Owens lied about a "hate crime" in Iowa City in 2016.  The Des Moines Register totally believed it.

There have been other obviously hoaxes of graffiti in Iowa City in the past year.

We will see much more of this in the coming months.


Friday, June 26, 2020

Richard Cherwitz is Insane

Archive link:  http://archive.vn/d5VRa

Richard Cherwitz columns are always over-the-top, lie-filled, Democrat partisan rants, but his latest column from June 26, 2020, in the Iowa City Press-Citizen might be the craziest. 

It's classic Fascist projection and fantasy on Cherwitz's part.  You can tell he's the kind of guy who would love to load up the boxcars with Trump voters, Republicans, and everybody who doesn't meet his lefty litmus tests. 

Rather conveniently, Cherwitz suddenly believes that lunatic warmonger John Bolton.

This is the kind of crap that Carol "cunter" Hunter and the Des Moines Register / Gannett / GateHouse Media loves to publish to throw meat at their retarded CNN and MSLSD-watching bunch of masked up automaton Democrats.  It's delusional bullshit.

The Cedar Rapids Gazette's Molly Duffy is a CDC Robot

Molly Duffy, stenographer for The Left

Archive link:  http://archive.vn/ff0h6

Molly Duffy of the Cedar Rapids Gazette bleats like a sheep about the CDC's "recommendation" on wearing a mask in a recent story about how the Iowa Department of Education says grade school kids shouldn't be required to wear masks and how the teachers' union don't like it.

Duffy forgets that the World Health Organization issued guidelines on mask wearing in March:

There are other groups and medical professionals with similar recommendations.

Let's not get into the "oxygen level" debate and headaches, or how people wear them too long and get acne, or "maskne".  Most people can't even wear them properly.

When has the CDC been right about anything about the COVID nonsense, Molly? 

The teachers' union are all a bunch of fat Marxist assholes and lefty Karens who want your kids as inconvenienced as possible while their constituents, the teachers and administrators, keep taking home big bucks while doing as little work as possible other than leftist political indoctrination.

How hard is it to teach kids to wash their hands every so often?  They can't even do that.

The Democrats are going to look for any excuse to shut down school this fall and blame Kim Reynolds and Republicans.  Meanwhile, it's OK to riot in the streets.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Whatever Could Have Caused the Rise in Cases in Johnson County?

Archive link:  http://archive.vn/DSisK

UIHC providers are seeing new cases concentrated among those aged 18 to 24, said Dr. Jorge Salinas, UIHC infectious disease specialist.


I wonder how that happened?  

What has been going on in the Iowa City area in the past few weeks?

Democrats let the "protests" and vandalism get out of hand.  Do you think maybe that had something to do with it?

You know the media.  They are wanting to blame Gov Kim Reynolds' decision to open up restaurants and bars.

Has anybody checked to see if this batch of "tests" are accurate?  Or are they all reporting false positives for anybody who feels a little paranoid and under the weather?

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

How Did the Des Moines Register Report on Bubba Wallace Before and After the Hoax?

May 10, 2019:  Bubba Wallace admits he's struggling with depression (archive link)

No wonder Bubba Wallace is depressed.  He's probably in the closet.  You ever heard the guy talk?

I don't care if people are gay.  Just don't be bringing all your other mental illness baggage to the stage.

Then he goes on Don Lemon's show on CNN after the FBI sent 15 agents to investigate the hoax by NOOSECAR and found nothing.  Why would you go on Don Lemon's show if you weren't gay?

June 24, 2020:  NOOSECAR President Offended That People Claiming Threat Against Bubba Wallace was Staged (archive link)

The headline is bullshit.  There was no threat.

Bubba never saw "the noose".  That's been noted in many articles.

There's video evidence that suggests it was the garage door pull rope.

Noosecar President Steve Phelps is a liar.  It's all a hoax.

If you wanted to destroy NASCAR, this should do it.

These were just wire copy stories.

When the hoaxes are closer to home, the Des Moines Register suspends everything and automatically assumes that hoaxes are real.

"I figured it was going to  be a white guy between 25 and 55 because they’re the root of most evil." 

- Ann Rhodes, University of Iowa

Des Moines Register's Nick Coltrain is an Asshole Propagandist

Archive link: http://archive.vn/D2lyI

Oh, the "peaceful protesters" in Des Moines were harassed by the awful ray ciss cops in Des Moines, says a propaganda piece co-written by dickless soyboy Nick Coltrain of the Register.

It's too bad the DMPD didn't pepper spray Coltrain and his violence-promoting girlfriend, "Krista Lee".

The crowds are dwindling down to barely a hundred miscreants and commie assholes prone to commit violence anywhere at anytime.  Normal people do not give a fuck about the Black Lies Matter douchebags or Commie agitators who are left.  We're all sad about George Floyd.  Even criminal pieces of shit don't deserve to die like that, but that didn't happen here.

We think a lot of people wish the DMPD would open fire on these assholes and end this nightly stupidity.  Maybe the cops could take out a few "reporters" as a bonus.  They won't, but they should.

These "protesters" haven't been peaceful.  They've been rioting, causing destruction, vandalism, and terrorizing neighborhoods.  Fuck 'em.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Iowa Public Radio's Story on Bubba Wallace Doesn't Mention the Word "Alleged"

Bubba Wallace, hoaxster, asshole, and politicized fraud

Archive link:  http://archive.vn/wISG2

Of course the Bubba Wallace "noose" story was a hoax.  What else would it be?

It was a garage door pull-down rope with a little loop at the end that you could barely get a couple fingers into.  All tall garage doors have this.  Most self serve car washes have it.

But Iowa Public Radio, republishing a story from their national feed, didn't use the word "alleged" prior to the FBI confirmed the hoax was a hoax.

This is so typical of the media.  

They're all hoaxes.  

Racial Injustice in Johnson County: Mazin Mohamedali and Wylliam Smith and Others

Mazin Mohamedali, Leftist Criminal Pet of Democrat Whitey

Archive link:  http://archive.vn/Cktyx

If you're looking for racial injustice in the Iowa judicial system, look no further than Democrat controlled Johnson County where interloper black assholes and criminals get to cause trouble with almost impunity.

Mazin Mohamedali, one of the ringleaders of all the destruction and violence and intimidation in the Iowa City "protests", got all but a disorderly conduct charge dismissed by his lawyer, fat white commie Rockne Cole, and incompetent-but-corrupt County Attorney Janet Lyness.

You didn't see the Iowa City Press Citizen's Hillary Ojeda or Zachary Oren Smith digging into why Mazin Mohamedali was, in 2018, initially charged with First Degree Robbery, a felony, or why it was plead down to Second Degree Robbery, also a felony, and why somebody with that serious of a charge was only given three years of probation.  Or why Mohamedali had warrants served on him as a minor.  These fucking assholes in the media can go after Children's Hospital charity organizer Carson King over some bullshit joke tweets he made as a teenager and try to ruin his life, but they can't be bothered to look into actual criminals.

Mohamedali isn't even "African-American".  He's from Sudan, just like those lying hoaxster sisters, Lujayn and Raneem Hamad.

Do you think some cracker raised in Lone Tree charged with First Degree Robbery, likely with a juvenile record, is going to get three years of probation?  Not a chance. 

I'm sure we'll see Mazin Mohamedali again.  He's the latest Leftist Criminal Pet of Democrat Whitey who is promoted by his komrades in the corporate media.  Democrats need their criminal slaves around the plantation until they're no longer useful idiots.

Then there's Wylliam Smith, the racist fucking asshole and shitty filmmaker from 20% black Grand Rapids who can't handle the oppression of being a bisexual black man in libtard filled Iowa City.  Has Hillary Ojeda or Zachary Owen Smith or Stephen Gruber Miller or Erin Jordan or Todd Dorman seen that retarded short film he made where a "cop" shoots him in the back for no reason?  Haven't they read any of his award-winning racist columns for the Daily Iowan where he called for segregation on the campus of the University of Iowa?

Then you had the case of Marcus Owens, who kept the Lefty Iowa Media from using the word "accused" to describe his hoax of a "racist attack" in Iowa City in 2016.  No charges were filed against Owens for making a false report.

Monique Cottman, a sixth grade teacher from Iowa City, can come right out and freely talk about how she hates Whitey and Hates America without losing her job.  She's an obvious racist who is mentally ill and has no business being near kids, much less white kids.

Or Sherry Watt at the University of Iowa, who seems to think that racism is everywhere, especially during hoaxes.  She's just another well-paid, mentally ill slave to Leftist Bullshit.

And now-former Vice President for Racism and Bigotry Melissa Shivers, who made $284,000 a year as a anti-Christian bigot at the University of Iowa, and probably does even better today at THE Ohio State University.  She was sued to the point of losing qualified immunity and she still found another cush job.

Then you have all the fake "racist chalking" incidents last year at Iowa State University.  All those cameras on the campus and nobody saw anything.  The media was all upset to the point where Robbie Sequeira couldn't be bothered to use the word "alleged" in any of his rants.

The best scam ever was the one at the Hamad sisters pulled after the 2016 election with their "hate note".  A total hoax, everybody in Johnson County and the Leftist Corporate Media were in on it, even the police.

What is it with black leftists who have to lie all the time about "racial injustice" rarely occurs?  The issue with George Floyd in Minneapolis wasn't even about race because half the officers on the scene weren't white.  It was about police excess.  But that doesn't stop the race hustlers who pushing their nonsense onto guilt-ridden stupid lefty whiteys.

Black leftists are assholes because they have to make shit up all the time about how the USA is supposedly so racist.  If they can't create hoaxes today, they have to dig into the past and blame Whitey as a whole, or blame Republicans who died to free their black asses.

Why is that?

Because they're MENTALLY ILL.  They're a bunch of fucking loser assholes who want everything but don't want to work for it.  They're Marxists, in other words. 

They don't know how to build anything, so that's why they go into education or the media.  They're all about destruction and poisoning people.

If you live in a deep blue Democrat-run hell hole, get the fuck out.  There is no justice for you.  Doesn't matter what race you are.  If you're not a fully out-commie Democrat of color, there will be no justice for you if you're the victim of an attack or destruction of your property by one of these assholes.

Just ask Eric Shaw, who was murdered by ICPD Officer Jeffrey Gillespie in 1996.  There were no charges filed against the officer or even a grand jury convened, and that was when current County Attorney, Democrat Janet Lyness was the assistant county attorney.  The county attorney at the time, Democrat J. Patrick White, was re-elected, unopposed, in 1998 with 97% of the vote, proving that Johnson County Democrats are OK with the cops killing innocent people.

But actual criminals, like Mazin Mohamedali, they can cause destruction and violence and harassment and intimidation, and they get most of their charges dropped.   BLACK COMMIE CRIMINAL PRIVILEGE.  You see this in every deep blue part of the USA.